我有一个位域结构,我想在其上使用掩码执行按位运算。我想知道最简单、最有效的方法。我尝试使用我的转换运算符(这似乎是对两个结构执行 & 操作的一种低效方式),但我收到错误 C2440:'type cast':无法从 'const test::dtType' 转换为 'char'。没有可以执行此转换的用户定义转换运算符,或者无法调用该运算符

class test
    test() : startTime(0), endTime(5,23) {}

    struct dtType {
        // inline constructors with initialisation lists
        dtType() {dtType(0);}
        dtType(byte z) {dtType(z,z);}
        dtType(byte n,byte h) : mins(n), hrs(h){}

        // inline overloaded operator functions
        operator char() {return mins + hrs<<3;}; // allow casting the struct as a char

        // All I want to do is return (this & hrsMask == date & hrsMask)
        // I know that in this trivial case I can do return (hrs == date.hrs) but I have simplified it for this example.
        bool operator== (dtType date){return (char(this) & char(hrsMask)) == (char(date) & char(hrsMask));};

        // data members
        unsigned mins: 3; // 10's of mins
        unsigned hrs: 5; // 8 bits
    const static dtType hrsMask; // initialised outside the declaraion, since a static is not associated with an individual object.
    dtType startTime; // initialised by test() in its initialisation list
    dtType endTime; // initialised by test() in its initialisation list

// Typically in a source file, but can be in the header.
const test::dtType hrsMask(0,31);

我尝试使用 void 指针进行按位运算。它可以编译,但我还没有测试过。

bool test::dtType::operator== (dtType date){
    const void * longThisDT = this;
    const void * longThatDT = & date;
    const void * longMaskDT = & hrsMask;
    return (*((long *)longThisDT) &  *((long *)longMaskDT) == *((long *)longThatDT) &  *((long *)longMaskDT));

这是否尽可能高效?它涉及三个额外的指针,而我真正需要的只是转换为 long。


2 回答 2


它在this被间接和 const 被删除时起作用:

bool operator== (dtType date) {
    return (char(*this) & char(hrsMask)) == (char(date) & char(hrsMask));};

/* ... */

static dtType hrsMask;

/* ... */

 test::dtType test::hrsMask(0,31);
于 2012-07-18T10:57:20.200 回答

- 没有定义〜测试
- const test::dtType hrsMask(0,31); 不正确,应该是:const test::dtType test:hrsMask(0,31);

-您应该将operator char() {更改为operator char() const { - 这正是编译器抱怨的原因:)
- 不应该有byte mins: 3而不是unsigned mins: 3这实际上意味着'unsigned int' 所以无论如何都使用 4 个字节

于 2012-07-18T10:57:03.983 回答