我正在连接到远程主机并执行不退出的命令(tail -f logfile)

我正在注册一个处理程序并将输出写入日志文件。这工作正常但我想在主程序上按 Control+C,它应该停止远程机器上的命令并优雅地关闭 ssh 连接

所以我正在为 SIGINT 注册一个信号处理程序




use Net::SSH::Perl;
use File::Path;
use Text::CSV_XS;

chomp ($progName = `basename $0`);

if (@ARGV != 1 ) {
        print "usage: perl $progName <tc_id>\n";

$tc_id = shift;
$file = "config.prop";
$log_dir = "logs/";


sub close_write
#-- write it to file
print "\nInside END block\n";
#open FH, ">$log_file";
#print $log_file;
#print FH @out;
#close $ssh->sock;
#undef $ssh;
exit 1;

# Read the configuration file and populate the Hash
$index = 0;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, eol => $/ });
 open my $io, "<", $file or die "$file: $!";
 while (my $row = $csv->getline ($io)) {
    next if (${$row}[0] =~ m/^#/);  #Ignore comments
    next if (${$row}[0] =~ m/^\s*$/);   #Ignore blank lines
    ($logHashArray->[$index]->{host}, $logHashArray->[$index]->{user}, $logHashArray->[$index]->{pass}, $logHashArray->[$index]->{cmd}, $logHashArray->[$index]->{log_file}) = @$row;

# Append "/" at the end of the directory if it does not exist
unless ($log_dir =~ m/\/$/) {
        $log_dir = $log_dir . "/";
        print "LogDir: $log_dir\n";
# Check if the log directory exists, if not, create it
if (-e $log_dir) {
        unless (-d $log_dir) {
                die "File exists but is not directory";
else {
        # don't forget to check mkdir's failure
        print "Directory $log_dir does not exist... Creating it\n";
        mkpath($log_dir, 0777) or die "Can't make directory: $!";

foreach $logHash (@{$logHashArray}){
        #print "LogHash Index $logHash\n";
        $logHash->{log_file} = $tc_id . "_" . $logHash->{host} . "_" .$logHash->{log_file};
        $logHash->{cmd} = $logHash->{cmd} . " | tee /tmp/" . $logHash->{log_file};
        $logHash->{log_dir} = $log_dir;

        #$logHash->{thr}=threads->new(\&connect_get_logs, $logHash);

        $logHash->{pid} = fork();

        if ($logHash->{pid}){
            # Parent
            push(@childs, $logHash->{pid});
        elsif ($pid == 0){
            # Child
        else {
            die "couldn’t fork: $!\n";

while (($key, $value) = each(%{$logHash})){
     print $key."=>".$value."\n";


#$thr=threads->new(\&connect_get_logs, $logHash);

foreach (@childs) {
    waitpid($_, 0);

#print "Waiting...";
#while(1) {sleep 1;}


sub connect_get_logs{

$SIG{INT}= sub {
        print "Inside INT block\n"; ### Need proper code here
        close $ssh->sock;
        undef $ssh;

my $logHash = shift;

while (($key, $value) = each(%{$logHash})){
     print $key."=>".$value."\n";
my $stdout;
my $stderr;
my $exit;

#-- setup a new connection
print "Logging in to $logHash->{host}...";
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($logHash->{host}, debug => 0, protocol => '2', options => ["PasswordAuthentication yes", "BatchMode yes",
                    "PubkeyAuthenticaion no", "RhostsAuthentication no", "RhostsRSAAuthentication no", "RSAAuthentication no", "DSAAuthentication no"]);

#-- authenticate
$ssh->login($logHash->{user}, $logHash->{pass});
print "Logged In\n";

#-- Create or Overwrite the log files
open LOG_FILE, ">", "$logHash->{log_dir}$logHash->{log_file}" or die $!;

#-- register a handler
$ssh->register_handler("stdout", sub {
        my($channel, $buffer) = @_;
        $str = $buffer->bytes;
        #push @out, $str;
        print LOG_FILE $str;
        #print $str;


#-- execute the command
($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd($logHash->{cmd});

print "Error: $stderr";


创建 csv 格式的 config.prop 文件

主机/IP,用户名,密码,命令(tail -F /full/path/to/logfile),文件名另存为


5 回答 5


-t诀窍是使用(或可能)调用 ssh -tt

默认情况下,ssh 仅在远程机器上为交互式登录 shell 分配一个 pty(即,不在远程调用命令时)。 -t强制 ssh 分配一个 pty,即使在执行远程命令时也是如此。可以看到效果:

$ ssh starquake tty
not a tty


$ ssh -t starquake tty
Connection to starquake closed.

当连接到终端时, ssh显然会将信号传递给远程进程,否则不会。

于 2012-11-21T18:36:43.260 回答

在这里,您可以看到使用 SFTP 而不是 SSH 连续读取远程文件的替代解决方案:sftp_tail.pl

远程sftp-server进程将在连接关闭时退出(例如,因为您按 Ctrl-C),而无需您采取任何进一步的操作。

于 2014-10-01T07:51:07.733 回答


$ssh->关闭;#从 ssh 会话中注销


于 2014-09-30T14:58:03.933 回答

如果您知道对 的调用的进程 ID,则可以从命令行tail -f向其发送信号:INT

kill -s INT <pid>


于 2012-07-18T12:31:05.880 回答

在 perl 中登录、访问和关闭 ssh 会话的完整过程。

            my $host =;

            my $username = "example";

            my $passwd  = "example";

            my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new(
            host => $host,
            user => $username,
            password => $passwd,
            timeout => 20,
            $ssh ->close;
于 2014-09-30T15:07:55.713 回答