我有一个 MySQL 表,其中包含以下列
urlByCustomer table
|customerID | TeamID | date | numUrlsConsumed|
| | | | |
Column Type Null Default Comments MIME
urlMappingID bigint(20) No
customerID int(11) Yes 0
activityID int(11) Yes 0
contactID int(11) Yes 0
fullURL mediumtext Yes NULL
lastModified timestamp No CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
developerSandbox varchar(25) Yes
$start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
$end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
$countAllThisGuysVals = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT`customerID`,`fullURL`)
FROM `urlmapping`
AND `customerID` = $currentCustomerID";
$countTheVals= $conn->query($countAllThisGuysVals);
$countedfinal =0;
foreach ($countTheVals as $countRow) {
$countedfinal = array_sum($countRow)/2;
$tableUpdateQuery = "UPDATE `urlByCustomer`
SET `date` = NOW()
WHERE `customerID`= $currentCustomerID AND
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) BETWEEN '{$start}' and '{$end}'";
$tableUpdateQuery = "UPDATE `urlByCustomer`
SET `numUrlsConsumed` = $countedfinal
WHERE `customerID`= $currentCustomerID AND
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) BETWEEN '{$start}' and '{$end}'";
echo "update path <br>";
$tableModified = true;
变量几乎都被声明了,但是声明被分散了,所以我只是发布这部分来缩短它。对日期列的更新查询似乎有效,但第二次更新无效。虽然它在 17 分钟前工作,所以我很困惑,因为在下一次测试之间唯一改变的是我添加了一些新值,这些值应该会导致它更新该列。
同上。我想一种可能性可能是 UNIX_TIMESTAMP。我在 Mac 上的 Parallels 中运行它,所以我不确定时间戳的含义。