它与优先级或 PHP 评估表达式的方式有关。用括号分组解决了这个问题:
$myvar = is_object($somevar) ? $somevar->value : (is_array($somevar) ? $somevar['value'] : '');
请参阅此处的注释:http ://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php#language.operators.comparison.ternary
建议您避免“堆叠”三元表达式。在单个语句中使用多个三元运算符时 PHP 的行为并不明显:
Example #3 不明显的三元行为
// on first glance, the following appears to output 'true'
echo (true?'true':false?'t':'f');
// however, the actual output of the above is 't'
// this is because ternary expressions are evaluated from left to right
// the following is a more obvious version of the same code as above
echo ((true ? 'true' : false) ? 't' : 'f');
// here, you can see that the first expression is evaluated to 'true', which
// in turn evaluates to (bool)true, thus returning the true branch of the
// second ternary expression.