您好,我是 VBA 代码的新手,正在努力在 Excel 中的 UDF 内进行一些非线性曲线拟合。我熟悉 Matlab,我的大部分经验都来自于此。我正在寻找一个子/函数,它将为我提供类似于 Matlab 中的 fminsearch() 的功能。任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢


假设我想编写自己的 UDF,它使用最小化来迭代地找到数字的立方根。我可以编写以下函数吗?

Function myCubRootSResd(root As Double, rootCubed As Double) As Double 
Dim a As Double 
a = (root * root * root - rootCubed)
myCubRootSResd = a * a
End Function 

然后,这可以与 Solver 结合使用,通过更改输入“root”将此函数的输出设置为零来查找任何数字的立方根。然而,这只是我需要在我尝试编写的 UDF 中执行的一个步骤,并且我需要在我的 UDF 内部使用这个输出(在本例中为立方根),它最终计算最终输出。然后我想使用相对引用来使用我的整体 UDF 来计算一系列输入。我相信这需要在 VBA 内部进行最小化,而不是参考单元格。在这种情况下,封装函数将处理“root”的值并返回它。它只有一个输入,即“rootCubed”,并将其传递给 myCubeRootSResd。所以它看起来像这样:

Function myCubeRootFinder(rootCubed as Double) as Double


End Function

任何帮助将不胜感激我一直试图找到一个简单的解决方案一段时间了,我只是没有找到任何人在 VBA 中进行这种类型的数值最小化的例子。

我意识到这可能不是在 VBA 中解决此问题的方法,但需要保留功能。谢谢你和我一起的病人。


2 回答 2



创建一个名为 FuncEval 的类:

Option Explicit

Dim output_ As Double
Dim input_() As Double

Public Property Get VectArr() As Double()
    VectArr = input_
End Property

Public Function Vect(i As Integer)
    Vect = input_(i)
End Function

Public Sub SetVect(ByRef newVect() As Double)
    Dim i As Integer
    ReDim input_(LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect)) As Double
    For i = LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect)
        input_(i) = newVect(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Public Property Get Result() As Double
    Result = output_
End Property

Public Property Let Result(newRes As Double)
    output_ = newRes
End Property

还有一个名为 Func 的类:

Option Explicit

Private cube_ As Double

Public Property Let Cube(newCube As Double)
    cube_ = newCube
End Property

Public Function Eval(ByRef val() As Double) As FuncEval
    Dim ret As New FuncEval
    ret.Result = Abs(cube_ - val(0) * val(0) * val(0))
    ret.SetVect val
    Set Eval = ret
End Function


Option Explicit

Function NelderMead(f As Func, _
                    ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()

    'Algorithm follows that outlined here:

    'Used as the perturbation for the initial guess when guess(i) == 0
    Dim zeroPert As Double
    zeroPert = 0.00025
    'The factor each element of guess(i) is multiplied by to obtain the
    'initial simplex
    Dim pertFact As Double
    pertFact = 1.05
    Dim eps As Double
    eps = 0.000000000001

    Dim shrink As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim simplex() As Variant
    Dim origVal As Double, lowest As Double
    Dim m() As Double, r() As Double, s() As Double, c() As Double, cc() As Double, diff() As Double
    Dim FE As FuncEval, FR As FuncEval, FS As FuncEval, FC As FuncEval, FCC As FuncEval, newFE As FuncEval

    n = UBound(guess) - LBound(guess) + 1
    ReDim m(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim r(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim s(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim c(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim cc(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim diff(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
    ReDim simplex(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess) + 1) As Variant

    Set simplex(LBound(simplex)) = f.Eval(guess)

    'Generate the simplex
    For i = LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)
        origVal = guess(i)
        If origVal = 0 Then
            guess(i) = zeroPert
            guess(i) = pertFact * origVal
        End If
        Set simplex(LBound(simplex) + i - LBound(guess) + 1) = f.Eval(guess)
        guess(i) = origVal
    Next i

    'Sort the simplex by f(x)
    For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1
        For j = i + 1 To UBound(simplex)
            If simplex(i).Result > simplex(j).Result Then
                Set FE = simplex(i)
                Set simplex(i) = simplex(j)
                Set simplex(j) = FE
            End If
        Next j
    Next i


        Set newFE = Nothing
        shrink = False
        lowest = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result

        'Calculate m
        For i = LBound(m) To UBound(m)
            m(i) = 0
            For j = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1
                m(i) = m(i) + simplex(j).Vect(i)
            Next j
            m(i) = m(i) / n
        Next i

        'Calculate the reflected point
        For i = LBound(r) To UBound(r)
            r(i) = 2 * m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i)
        Next i
        Set FR = f.Eval(r)

        'Check acceptance conditions
        If (simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result <= FR.Result) And (FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result) Then
            'Accept r, replace the worst value and iterate
            Set newFE = FR
        ElseIf FR.Result < simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result Then
            'Calculate the expansion point, s
            For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
                s(i) = m(i) + 2 * (m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i))
            Next i
            Set FS = f.Eval(s)
            If FS.Result < FR.Result Then
                Set newFE = FS
                Set newFE = FR
            End If
        ElseIf FR.Result >= simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result Then
            'Perform a contraction between m and the better of x(n+1) and r
            If FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then
                'Contract outside
                For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
                    c(i) = m(i) + (r(i) - m(i)) / 2
                Next i
                Set FC = f.Eval(c)
                If FC.Result < FR.Result Then
                    Set newFE = FC
                    shrink = True
                End If
                'Contract inside
                For i = LBound(cc) To UBound(cc)
                    cc(i) = m(i) + (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i) - m(i)) / 2
                Next i
                Set FCC = f.Eval(cc)
                If FCC.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then
                    Set newFE = FCC
                    shrink = True
                End If
            End If
        End If

        'Shrink if required
        If shrink Then
            For i = LBound(simplex) + 1 To UBound(simplex)
                For j = LBound(simplex(i).VectArr) To UBound(simplex(i).VectArr)
                    diff(j) = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j) + (simplex(i).Vect(j) - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j)) / 2
                Next j
                Set simplex(i) = f.Eval(diff)
            Next i
        End If

        'Insert the new element in place
        If Not newFE Is Nothing Then
            For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex)
                If simplex(i).Result > newFE.Result Then
                    For j = UBound(simplex) To i + 1 Step -1
                        Set simplex(j) = simplex(j - 1)
                    Next j
                    Set simplex(i) = newFE
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
        End If

    Loop Until (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result) < eps

    NelderMead = simplex(LBound(simplex)).VectArr

End Function

Function test(cube, guess) As Double

    Dim f As New Func
    Dim guessVec(0 To 0) As Double
    Dim Result() As Double
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim output As String

    f.cube = cube
    guessVec(0) = guess

    Result = NelderMead(f, guessVec)

    test = Result(0)

End Function

Func 类包含您的残差函数。NelderMead 方法只需要 Func 类的 Result 方法,因此只要 Eval 方法处理与您的初始猜测长度相同的向量并返回 FuncEval 对象,您就可以对 Func 类做任何事情。



您需要针对不同的问题创建许多不同的类。这意味着要保持 NelderMead 函数的通用性,您需要将其声明行更改为以下内容:

Function NelderMead(f As Object, _
                    ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()

无论 f 是什么,它都必须始终有一个 Eval 方法,该方法采用一个双精度数组。

编辑:函数传递,可能是在 VBA 中完成的(愚蠢的)方式

Function f(x() As Double) As Double
    f = x(0) * x(0)
End Function

Sub Test()
    Dim x(0 To 0) As Double
    x(0) = 5
    Debug.Print Application.Run("f", x)
End Sub


Function NelderMead(f As String, _
                    ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()

然后使用上面的 Application.Run 语法调用 f 。您还需要在函数内部进行一些更改。它并不漂亮,但坦率地说,它一开始并不那么漂亮。

于 2012-07-18T06:15:43.370 回答

您可以使用 Excel 附带的 Solver 加载项来解决最小化问题。

于 2012-07-17T19:03:16.427 回答