因此,对于分页,我有这个 url,当用户按下链接时,它会转到下一页(链接部分在部分视图中),为此,我使用 javascript 获取 dropdowbox 值并传递给 url
@Html.ActionLink("|Siguiente >", "Index", new { pagina = Model.PageNumber + 1, ordenacion = ViewBag.Ordenacion, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro , empresa = "param-empresa" }, new { id = "mylinkSig" })
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#mylinkSig').click(function () {
var empresa = $("#empresa").val();
this.href = this.href.replace("param-empresa", encodeURIComponent(empresa));
当我在几乎所有页面中使用该脚本时,我想将此脚本放入 js 文件中,因此我不必将其写入所有视图(页面)中您尝试复制/粘贴并放入 js 文件中,但它不起作用(是的,我的页面中有 .js 文件引用)
所以我是 javascript 的新手,所以我不知道是否必须更改函数,因为它可以在 .js 文件中工作并在我的所有页面中使用
我的 Helper.js
$(function () {
$('#mylinkSig').click(function () {
var empresa = $("#empresa").val();
this.href = this.href.replace("param-empresa", encodeURIComponent(empresa));
function deleteConfirmation(response, status, data) {
// remove the row from the table
var rowId = "#widget-id-" + response.id;
// display a status message with highlight
$('#actionMessage').effect("highlight", {}, 3000);
if (response.message == null) {
alert('No se pudo eliminar el registro');
else {
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/Helper.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
@*navigation << < >>>*@
Pagina @(Model.PageCount < Model.PageNumber ? 0 : Model.PageNumber)
de @Model.PageCount
@if (Model.HasPreviousPage)
@Html.ActionLink("<<|", "Index", new { pagina = 1, ordenacion = ViewBag.Ordenacion, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro, empresa = "param-empresa" }, new { id = "mylinkFirst" })
@Html.Raw(" ");
@Html.ActionLink("< Anterior|", "Index", new { pagina = Model.PageNumber - 1, ordenacion = ViewBag.Ordenacion, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro, empresa = "param-empresa" }, new { id = "mylinkAnt" })
@if (Model.HasNextPage)
@Html.ActionLink("|Siguiente >", "Index", new { pagina = Model.PageNumber + 1, ordenacion = ViewBag.Ordenacion, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro , empresa = "param-empresa" }, new { id = "mylinkSig" })
@Html.Raw(" ");
@Html.ActionLink("|>>", "Index", new { pagina = Model.PageCount, ordenacion = ViewBag.Ordenacion, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro , empresa = "param-empresa"}, new { id = "mylinkLast" })