I am working on a DirectSound application which needs to work both on WindowsXP and Windows7. The objects used are simply sound buffers, but are currently early bound:

Private dx As DirectX8  
Private ds As DirectSound8 
Private mdsBuf As DSBUFFERDESC
Private mdsBuffer(7) As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8 

Firstly, how do I late bind these using CreateObject? What are the ProgId's? I guess something like:

Dim dx As Object
Set dx = CreateObject("DIRECT.DirectX8.0")

Secondly, I believe Windows7 uses DirectX 11. Are there equivalent ProgId's? Or is the object model different?



1 回答 1


您是否已通读Visual Basic 6.0 DirectX 应用程序无法在 Windows Vista 及更高版本上运行

结果是不再支持来自 VB6 的 DirectX。

于 2012-07-17T15:28:57.937 回答