I have an app which can invite a user's Facebook friends. I need to verify if the friends are already registered with my app. Facebook doesn't give friends' emails, so my idea was to get email hashes. I wanted to do this using FQL and email_hashes column from users table http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user/

An array containing a set of confirmed email hashes for the user. Emails are registered via the deprecated connect.registerUsers API call and are only confirmed when the user adds your application. The format of each email hash is the crc32 and md5 hashes of the email address combined with an underscore (_).

But when I test my query:

SELECT email_hashes FROM user WHERE uid = some_fb_id

..I get an empty array. Is Facebook not supporting email_hashes any more or am I missing something?


1 回答 1


我有一个可以邀请用户的 Facebook 朋友的应用程序。



如果你有他们的 id,你可以只查看字段installed(Graph API)的用户对象/表。is_app_user(FQL)。

Facebook 不再支持 email_hashes 还是我遗漏了什么?


于 2012-07-17T13:37:57.863 回答