自动证明两个一阶公式 F 和 G 等价的最佳方法是什么?


  1. 无量词
  2. 无功能
  3. 隐含的普遍量化的



1 回答 1


如前所述,要证明F <=> G两者都是封闭(普遍量化)公式,您需要证明F => GG => F。为了证明这两个公式中的每一个,您可以使用各种微积分。我将描述[分辨率演算]:

  • 否定猜想,因此F => G变为F & -G
  • 转换为 CNF。
  • 运行解决程序。
  • 如果你推导出一个空子句,你就证明了最初的猜想F => G。如果搜索饱和并且无法派生更多新子句,则猜想不成立。

在您的条件下,来自F的所有原子公式将是仅应用于变量的谓词符号,而来自G的所有原子公式将是仅应用于 skolem 常量的谓词符号。因此,解析过程只会产生将变量映射到其他变量或将变量映射到那些 skolem 常量的替换。这意味着它只能导出有限数量的不同文字,因此解析过程将始终停止——它将是可判定的。

您还可以为此目的使用自动化工具,该工具将为您完成所有工作。我使用The E Theorem Prover来解决这些问题。作为输入语言,我使用了TPTP 问题库的语言,它对人类来说很容易读/写。

举个例子: 输入文件:

fof(my_formula_name, conjecture, (![X]: p(X)) <=> (![Y]: p(Y)) ).


eprover --tstp-format -xAuto -tAuto myfile


# Garbage collection reclaimed 59 unused term cells.

# Auto-Ordering is analysing problem.
# Problem is type GHNFGFFSF00SS
# Auto-mode selected ordering type KBO6
# Auto-mode selected ordering precedence scheme <invfreq>
# Auto-mode selected weight ordering scheme <precrank20>
# Auto-Heuristic is analysing problem.
# Problem is type GHNFGFFSF00SS
# Auto-Mode selected heuristic G_E___107_C41_F1_PI_AE_Q4_CS_SP_PS_S0Y
# and selection function SelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred.
# No equality, disabling AC handling.
# Initializing proof state
# Presaturation interreduction done

# Proof found!
# SZS status Theorem
# Parsed axioms                        : 1
# Removed by relevancy pruning         : 0
# Initial clauses                      : 2
# Removed in clause preprocessing      : 0
# Initial clauses in saturation        : 2
# Processed clauses                    : 5
# ...of these trivial                  : 0
# ...subsumed                          : 0
# ...remaining for further processing  : 5
# Other redundant clauses eliminated   : 0
# Clauses deleted for lack of memory   : 0
# Backward-subsumed                    : 1
# Backward-rewritten                   : 1
# Generated clauses                    : 4
# ...of the previous two non-trivial   : 4
# Contextual simplify-reflections      : 0
# Paramodulations                      : 2
# Factorizations                       : 2
# Equation resolutions                 : 0
# Current number of processed clauses  : 1
#    Positive orientable unit clauses  : 1
#    Positive unorientable unit clauses: 0
#    Negative unit clauses             : 0
#    Non-unit-clauses                  : 0
# Current number of unprocessed clauses: 0
# ...number of literals in the above   : 0
# Clause-clause subsumption calls (NU) : 0
# Rec. Clause-clause subsumption calls : 0
# Unit Clause-clause subsumption calls : 1
# Rewrite failures with RHS unbound    : 0
# Indexed BW rewrite attempts          : 4
# Indexed BW rewrite successes         : 4
# Unification attempts                 : 12
# Unification successes                : 9
# Backwards rewriting index :     2 leaves,   1.00+/-0.000 terms/leaf
# Paramod-from index        :     1 leaves,   1.00+/-0.000 terms/leaf
# Paramod-into index        :     1 leaves,   1.00+/-0.000 terms/leaf


# Proof found!
# SZS status Theorem
于 2012-08-11T20:34:21.620 回答