这是我在命令按钮上的内容;它只是创建变量并尝试输出它们的 ID(应该是从基类继承的实例变量。)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ball1 As Ball, ball2 As Ball
Dim cube1 As Cube, cube2 As Cube
Set ball1 = New Ball
Set cube1 = New Cube
Set cube2 = New Cube
Set ball2 = New Ball
MsgBoxTheID (ball1) 'errors; should be 0
MsgBoxTheID (ball2) 'errors; should be 3
MsgBoxTheID (cube1) 'errors; should be 1
MsgBoxTheID (cube2) 'errors; should be 2
Call ball1.MsgBoxID ' works; displays 0
Call ball2.MsgBoxID ' works; displays 3
Call cube1.MsgBoxID ' works; displays 1
Call cube2.MsgBoxID ' works; displays 2
End Sub
Global globalID As Integer
Public Sub MsgBoxTheID(theObj As BaseObj)
' this function is meant to accept objects of type Ball, Cube, and BaseObj
MsgBox theObj.ID
End Sub
BaseObj 类模块:
Public ID As Integer
Public isVisible As Boolean
Public Sub setVisiblity(newVis As Boolean)
isVisible = newVis
End Sub
Public Sub MsgBoxID()
MsgBox ID
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ID = globalID
globalID = globalID + 1
End Sub
Implements BaseObj
Private theObj As BaseObj
Public radius As Double
Private Property Let BaseObj_ID(ByVal RHS As Integer)
End Property
Private Property Get BaseObj_ID() As Integer
End Property
Private Property Let BaseObj_isVisible(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
End Property
Private Property Get BaseObj_isVisible() As Boolean
End Property
Public Sub MsgBoxID()
Call theObj.MsgBoxID
End Sub
Private Sub BaseObj_MsgBoxID()
Call theObj.MsgBoxID
End Sub
Public Sub BaseObj_setVisiblity(newVis As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set theObj = New BaseObj
End Sub
Implements BaseObj
Private theObj As BaseObj
Public sideLength As Double
Private Property Let BaseObj_ID(ByVal RHS As Integer)
End Property
Private Property Get BaseObj_ID() As Integer
End Property
Private Property Let BaseObj_isVisible(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
End Property
Private Property Get BaseObj_isVisible() As Boolean
End Property
Public Sub MsgBoxID()
Call theObj.MsgBoxID
End Sub
Private Sub BaseObj_MsgBoxID()
Call theObj.MsgBoxID
End Sub
Public Sub BaseObj_setVisiblity(newVis As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set theObj = New BaseObj
End Sub
有几件事我不喜欢,其中两件事我的印象是不可避免的:(1) 与 C++ 相比它是一团糟,以及 (2) Ball 和 Cube 类仅包含BaseObj 类型的对象。他们实际上并没有从 BaseObj 继承任何东西。他们只是被迫实现相同的接口(whoopty doo。)