我尝试提交这个并且弹出一个错误说** END OF FILE detected on input - EXIT **

我无法弄清楚这意味着什么,只是为了清楚我正在尝试建立一个系统,以便在循环中输入数据,除非值为 0。谢谢。


class Main
    public static void main( String args[] )
        int SN = 1;
        while ( SN != 0)
            System.out.print("#SN : " );
            SN = BIO.getInt();
            System.out.print("#CW : " );
            int CW = BIO.getInt();
            System.out.print("#EX : " );
            int EX = BIO.getInt();
            double Mark = CW + EX;
            System.out.printf("SN= " + SN + "EX= " + EX + "CW= " + CW + "Mark= " + "%6.1f", (double) Mark / 2      );


class BIO
  private static final int EOF  = -1;
  private static final int NONE = -2;
  private static int nextChar = NONE;
  private static boolean EOFdetected = false;

  public static String getLineBASE()
    String line = "";                                 // Line read 
    int    ch;                                        // Read ch 

      ch = System.in.read();                          // No next char 

      if ( ch == EOF ) 
        System.out.println("**** END OF FILE " + 
                           "detected on input -- EXIT ****" );
      while( ch != '\n'  )                            // Read loop 
        if ( ch == EOF )
          EOFdetected = true;
          return line;                                //  exit 
        line = line + (char) ch;                      //  form line 
        ch = System.in.read();                        //  next ch 
      return line;                                    // return line 
    catch( IOException exp )                          // Problem 
      System.exit(-1);                                // Exit ** 
    return "";                                        // Blank line 

 public static String getLine()
    String line = getLineBASE();                      // Read line 
    //System.out.println( line ); 
    return line;

  public static String getString()
    String line = getLine();                          // Read line 
    return line.trim();

  public static double getDouble()
    String res = getLine();                           // Read line 
    double value = 0.0;                               // 
      value = Double.parseDouble( res.trim() );       // Convert 
    catch ( NumberFormatException ex )                // Problem 
    {                                                 //  ignore 
    return value;                                     // return 

  public static int getInt()
    String res = getLine();                           // Read line 
    int value = 0;                                    // 
      value = Integer.parseInt( res.trim() );         // Convert 
    catch ( NumberFormatException ex )                // Problem 
    {                                                 //  ignore 
    return value;                                     // return 


1 回答 1

  ch = System.in.read();  //reads from keyboard.

  if ( ch == EOF ) 
    System.out.println("**** END OF FILE " + 
                       "detected on input -- EXIT ****" );

此代码段从键盘读取输入。如果您想从文件中读取内容(我假设您是,因为有一个 EOF)查找Scanner类。如果这不是你想要的,我很抱歉,我只是在做假设。

于 2012-07-16T19:19:40.573 回答