complete <- c("A", "B", "C","J", "C1", "L", "J2", "D", "M", "N")
lst1 <- c(NA, NA, NA, "A", "N", NA,"A", "C", "D", NA )
lst2 <- c(NA, NA, NA,"A", "L", NA, "C1", "J2", "J2", "B")
datf <- data.frame (complete, lst1, lst2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
示例 2:不完整和重复
complete <- c("A", "B", "C","J", "C1", "L", "C", "D", "M", "N")
lst1 <- c(NA, NA, NA, "A", "N", NA,"A", "C", "D1", NA )
lst2 <- c(NA, NA, NA,"A", "L", NA, "C1", "J2", "J2", "B2")
datf2 <- data.frame (complete, lst1, lst2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
我想检查:(1)lst1 和 lst2 的成员是否至少完整存在一次。如果不存在,则停止消息将显示此“?” 存在于 lst1 或 lst2 中(无论是否正确),但不完整。我的试验:例如1
if (datf$lst1 %in% datf$complete | datf$lst2 %in% datf$complete) {
stop ("the subject in lst1 or lst2 must be complete list ")} else {
cat("I am fine")
I am fineWarning message:
In if (datf$lst1 %in% datf$complete | datf$lst2 %in% datf$complete) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Example 2:
if (datf2$lst1 %in% datf2$complete | datf2$lst2 %in% datf2$complete) {
stop ("the subject in lst1 or lst2 must be complete list ")} else {
cat("I am fine")
Although there is potential errors the error message is same:
I am fineWarning message:
In if (datf2$lst1 %in% datf2$complete | datf2$lst2 %in% datf2$complete) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
(2) 如果完整的任何成员被复制。
Expected answer:
Example1 <- all members of lst1 and lst2 are also member of complete
expacted message here is "I am fine"
Example2 <-
B2, J2, is member of lst2 but not complete, D1 is member of lst1 but not complete.
complete have two C, so C is duplicated.
The function will stop and print a message
"B2 and J2 are member of lst1, but not in complete
D1 is member of lst2, but not in complete,
check completeness"
"C is duplicated in complete"