我有一个在 Heroku 上运行良好的应用程序,我正在尝试使用 Carrierwave 将该应用程序连接到亚马逊的 S3 服务。我以为我的配置文件都适用于所有内容,但是在创建图片实例时遇到了问题。我认为这与 Postgres 及其某些特定格式等有关,但这是主要问题。
我正在TypeError (can't convert nil into String):
了解似乎是 POST 到数据库的内容(特别是在 create 方法上)。错误如下所示:
app/controllers/pictures_controller.rb:62:in `create'
TypeError (can't convert nil into String):
POST xxxxxxxx.herokuapp.com/684-536-025/pictures dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=510ms status=500 bytes=643
这也是 POST 的开始:
#<Picture id: nil, description: nil, image: nil, gallery_id: 15, gallery_url_id: "a432b35_21cc", original_filename: "Sunflower.gif", order_number: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
我假设这里的问题是 Postgres 不允许在有字段为零时启动 POST。奇怪的是,sqlite 在这方面做得很好,这就是为什么我猜测问题是 Postgres,不幸的是我将使用 Postgres 进行生产。我对 Postgres 的了解还不够,无法真正缩小这个问题的范围,所以我想我会在这里询问是否可以得到任何帮助/建议!
def create
# Creates a picture class instance based on the json objects being passed in from
# Carrierwave
p_attr = params[:picture]
p_attr[:image] = params[:picture][:image].first if params[:picture][:image].class == Array
# Gets the gallery vai the uuid gallery url
@gallery = Gallery.where(:url_id => params[:url_id]).first
# Builds the picture based on the attributes passed in above from the json
@picture = @gallery.pictures.build(p_attr)
# Assigns the gallery_url_id attribute
@picture.gallery_url_id = @gallery.url_id
puts @picture.inspect
# Handle the picture save according to success or not
LINE 62 -> if @picture.save
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
# Calls the method in the model to format the json repsonse
render :json => [@picture.to_jq_upload].to_json,
:content_type => 'text/html',
:layout => false
format.json {
render :json => [@picture.to_jq_upload].to_json
render :json => [{:error => "custom_failure"}], :status => 304
代码中标记了第 62 行。
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
# The attributes accesible via an @picture
attr_accessible :gallery_id, :description, :image, :gallery_url_id, :original_filename, :order_number
belongs_to :gallery
# Attatches the carrierwave uploader to the picture class
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
# Referenced when each picture is created, the json is formatted as the following form
def to_jq_upload
"name" => read_attribute(:image),
"size" => image.size,
"url" => image.url,
"thumbnail_url" => image.thumb.url,
"delete_url" => id,
"picture_id" => id,
"delete_type" => "DELETE",
"url_id" => read_attribute(:gallery_url_id),
"original_filename" => read_attribute(:original_filename),
"order_number" => ""