我有以下 JUnit 测试:
public void testRunLocalhost() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Start an AnnouncerThread
final AnnouncerThread announcer = new AnnouncerThread();
// Create the socket and listen on the right port.
final DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
assert(socket != null);
// Create a packet to send.
final DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[0], 0, InetAddress.getByName(AnnouncerThread.GROUP), AnnouncerThread.PORT);
assert(packet != null);
// Send the packet.
// Listen for the IP from the server.
final DatagramPacket receivedPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[256], 256);
socket.setSoTimeout(2000); // Only wait 2 seconds.
// Get localhost's address.
final InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
assert(localhost != null);
// Compare the receive IP to the localhost IP.
final String receivedIP = new String(receivedPacket.getData());
if (!receivedIP.startsWith(localhost.getHostAddress())) {
fail("Received IP: '" + receivedIP + "' not the same as localhost: '" + localhost.getHostAddress() + "'");
并且 PMD 给出了以下违规行为:
Found 'UR'-anomaly for variable 'socket' (lines '36'-'36').
Found 'UR'-anomaly for variable 'localhost' (lines '36'-'36').
Found 'UR'-anomaly for variable 'packet' (lines '36'-'36').
我文件中的第 36 行是定义方法的行:
public void testRunLocalhost() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
我不明白这些违规行为在说什么。我应该在哪里定义这三个变量?为什么 AnnouncerThread 不在违规中?它的声明方式与我尝试重新排序声明无济于事的方式相同。