如何在 Switch 语句中应用 if 条件,我想计算平均值:但是我已经尽力解决这个问题,但仍然没有从 Switch 语句中得到输出。我是 C++ 的初学者,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declaration of variables.
int sub1,sub2,sub3, sub4,sub5,total,avg;
//accepting marks from user in each subject
cout << " Enter Programming in C++ Marks: " << endl;
cin >> sub1;
cout << " Enter Software Engineering Marks : " << endl;
cin >> sub2;
cout << " Enter Personal Communication Marks : " << endl;
cin >> sub3;
cout << " Enter Database Application Marks: " << endl;
cin >> sub4;
cout << " Enter Computer Concept Marks: " << endl;
cin >> sub5;
//calculatin sum of marks obtained in each subject
total = (sub1 + sub2 + sub3 + sub4 + sub5);
//calculating the average marks
avg = total / 5;
// starting of if condition for finding out grades of total subjects.
switch (avg){
case 1:{
if ((avg >= 80) && (avg <= 100))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << "You Grade is A+ " << endl;
case 2:{
if ((avg >= 70) && (avg <= 79))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your grade is A " << endl;
case 3:{
if ((avg >= 60) && (avg <= 69))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your Grade is B+ " << endl;
case 4:{
if ((avg >= 50) && (avg <= 59))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your Grade is C+ " << endl;
case 5: {
if ((avg >= 40) && (avg <= 49))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your Grade is C- ! " << endl;
case 6: {
if ((avg >= 30) && (avg <= 39))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your Grade is D ! " << endl;
if ((avg >= 100) && (avg <= 29))
cout << " Your Average is: " << avg << endl;
cout << " Your Grade is F, So you are Fail in the class ! " << endl;