Have you found a good alternative to TPTP, which is being archived, to profile Java applications in Eclipse?

I understand this is not exactly a programming question, so please just drop me a message if this is not appropriate for Stack Overflow.

EDIT: There's also a relevant question, from 2008 here but I was looking for something a little more updated.


3 回答 3


VisualVm, that comes with the JDK itself is good for some CPU and memory profiling, though, it doesn't integrate well with eclipse.

YourKit is a great profiling tool that integrates quite well with eclipse but its not free. You will need to buy a license for it.

Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) is another great tool that helps a lot in analyzing java heap dumps. It is perfect for pointing out any un-intentional memory leaks in a java application.

于 2012-07-16T17:38:55.920 回答

它不是 eclipse 生态系统的一部分,但我使用过 JConsole。当前版本似乎运行良好。我考虑过一些商业工具,但对我来说,一旦我阅读了它的手册,JConsole 就完成了我需要它做的所有事情。

于 2012-07-16T15:13:01.570 回答

我已经使用 JProfiler 多年(超过 8 年),这也是一个很棒的工具,而且占用空间非常小。


对我来说,TPTP 在大项目上完全没用(它没有工作并崩溃)

于 2015-08-05T10:27:23.297 回答