i´ve created a subclass from UIView and put in a UIWebView. This displays a simple external website which contains just two textfields. The user can type in his email address and the verification.

I´ve already included the UIWebViewDelegate for the webViewDidFinishLoad: method. Additionally i´ve created a NSNotification for "UIKeyboardDidShowNotification".

Everything works, but when i select the second textfield, the first textfield automatically will be scrolled half out of the visible area. I´ve also included the UITextViewDelegate with - (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField but i get no NSLog from that delegate method.

Any help how i can get the frame of the selected textfield (within a UIWebView)? Thanks for any hints...


1 回答 1


我读过使用 UIWebView 时没有 UITextField 委托。因此,没有关于当前选择哪个文本字段的信息,对吧?

于 2012-07-30T12:56:50.050 回答