所以首先我很抱歉问这个问题。但是“逃离 Zurg”文章对我帮助很大,我可以编写自己的解决方案来解决 Wolf Goat Cabbage Problem。我在下面放置我的代码。我要你告诉我
- 如果我的代码是按照 F# 和函数式编程的真正精神编写的
open System (* The type direction determines which direction the human is present. Left means that Human is present on the left side of the bank. Right means human is present on the right side of the bank. *) type Direction = | Left | Right (* Master list of animals *) let Animals = ["Wolf"; "Goat"; "Cabbage"] let DeadlyCombinations = [["Wolf"; "Goat"];["Goat"; "Cabbage"];] let isMoveDeadly list1 list2 = List.exists (fun n -> n = list1) list2 let rec MoveRight animals = match animals with | [] -> [] | head::tail -> if (isMoveDeadly tail DeadlyCombinations) then MoveRight tail @ [head] else Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + head) tail let ListDiff list1 list2 = List.filter (fun n -> List.forall (fun x -> x <> n) list1) list2 let MoveLeft animals = let RightList = ListDiff animals Animals let ShouldTakeAnimal = isMoveDeadly RightList DeadlyCombinations if (ShouldTakeAnimal) then let x = List.head RightList Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + x + " back") [x] else Console.WriteLine("Farmer goes back alone") [] let rec Solve direction animals = match animals with | [] -> Console.WriteLine("Solved") | _ -> match direction with | Left -> Solve Right (MoveRight animals) | Right -> Solve Left (animals @ (MoveLeft animals)) [<EntryPoint>] let main args = Solve Left Animals 0