如 DrEdit 示例应用程序中所示,我在掌握身份验证期间的重定向概念时遇到问题。在这里,redirect_url 是通过从请求 url 中剥离所有参数来设置的:

  def CreateOAuthFlow(self):
    """Create OAuth2.0 flow controller

    This controller can be used to perform all parts of the OAuth 2.0 dance
    including exchanging an Authorization code.

      request: HTTP request to create OAuth2.0 flow for
      OAuth2.0 Flow instance suitable for performing OAuth2.0.
    flow = flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secrets.json', scope='')
    # Dynamically set the redirect_uri based on the request URL. This is extremely
    # convenient for debugging to an alternative host without manually setting the
    # redirect URI.
    flow.redirect_uri = self.request.url.split('?', 1)[0].rsplit('/', 1)[0]
    return flow

当从 Google Drive UI 调用应用程序时(使用 get 参数code和对应用程序根 url 的 get 请求state),应用程序检查它是否有权向 Google Drive 发出请求。如果访问权限被撤销,它会尝试使用以下代码重新授权自己,我相信:

creds = self.GetCodeCredentials()
    if not creds:
      return self.RedirectAuth()


  def RedirectAuth(self):
    """Redirect a handler to an authorization page.

    Used when a handler fails to fetch credentials suitable for making Drive API
    requests. The request is redirected to an OAuth 2.0 authorization approval
    page and on approval, are returned to application.

      handler: webapp.RequestHandler to redirect.
    flow = self.CreateOAuthFlow()

    # Manually add the required scopes. Since this redirect does not originate
    # from the Google Drive UI, which authomatically sets the scopes that are
    # listed in the API Console.
    flow.scope = ALL_SCOPES

    # Create the redirect URI by performing step 1 of the OAuth 2.0 web server
    # flow.
    uri = flow.step1_get_authorize_url(flow.redirect_uri)

    # Perform the redirect.

我的问题是,当我从 Google Dashboard 撤消对应用程序的访问权限并尝试通过 Google Drive UI 打开它时,它会将我重定向到授权页面,然后在我授权后重定向回应用程序,但它设法保留状态(获取从 Drive UI 传递的参数)。我认为这与代码描述的内容不一致,我想知道这种行为是否有任何解释。可以在此处找到 DrEdit 应用程序的托管版本:http: //idning-gdrive-test.appspot.com/


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在从 Drive UI 启动应用程序的情况下,永远不会触及该代码路径。重定向到授权端点是直接从云端硬盘启动的。换句话说,路径是:

驱动器-> 身份验证-> DrEdit


要查看您所引用的代码路径,请再次撤消访问权限。但不要从云端硬盘开始,只需尝试直接加载应用即可。您可能还需要删除应用程序的 cookie。无论如何,在这种情况下,当应用程序加载时,它会检测到用户未被授权并重定向到 auth 端点:

DrEdit -> 身份验证 -> DrEdit


于 2012-07-14T17:05:26.967 回答