我制作了一个 C# windows App 程序,它将在 C 驱动器中搜索用户在文本框中输入的文件夹,搜索将在用户按下按钮后开始。问题是我收到一个异常告诉我:
Access To The Path 'C:\Documents and Settings' is Denied
如何在 C 驱动器(或任何其他驱动器)中发现我无权访问的任何文件夹/文件,并通过我的 C# 程序更改其权限以访问已授予或其他内容,以便我可以继续搜索?
在 Linux 中有 chmod,但我不知道 windows .. 请帮助 :)
string operationSucceeded = "Operation Completed Successfully";
Exception NoFilesFound = new Exception("No File(s) Found In Specified Directory");
List<string> foundFolders = new List<string>();
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Search_In_For("C:\\", WantedFile_Folder_TextBox.Text);
if (foundFolders == null) throw NoFilesFound;
for (int i = 0; i < foundFolders.Count; i++)
SearchResultsTextBox.Text += (foundFolders[i] + "\n");
catch (Exception ex)
delegate void SearchDelegate(string searchDir, string wanted);
private void Search_In_For(string searchDir, string wanted)
string[] foldersInThisDir = Directory.GetDirectories(searchDir);
if (foldersInThisDir.Length == 0) return;
for (int i = 0; i < foldersInThisDir.Length; i++)
if (foldersInThisDir[i].Contains(wanted))
SearchDelegate sd = new SearchDelegate(Search_In_For);
for (int i = 0; i < foldersInThisDir.Length; i++)
sd(foldersInThisDir[i] , wanted);