我正在从事一个生物信息学项目,该项目涉及将不同的脚本和输入参数连接在一起,以分析下一代测序 Illumina 数据。我需要帮助调试第一个脚本。它的任务是解析 qseq 文件,将“好”样本转换为 fastq 格式,并将输出保存到临时 txt 文件(到磁盘)。
# the input parameters are "fed" into the script and the output is written
# to tmp.txt
script01.pl [input parameters] > tmp.txt
我在终端中键入此命令,然后查看 tmp.txt 文件以检查脚本是否输出预期结果。但是对于整个项目,我有一个称为包装脚本的东西,它将所有脚本连接在一起。Script01 会将 end1 和 end2 数据的输出保存到 tmp 文件中,因为它们需要分别由脚本 02-06 处理。
这是代码。我添加了描述性评论,以便您了解发生了什么。另外,我没有 qseq 文件向您展示,只是假设我正在正确解析字段:
use strict; use warnings;
my $end1_temp=shift; # this variable is the location of the temporary file
my $end2_temp=shift; # this variable is the location of the temporary file
my $qseq_file=shift;
my $barcode=shift;
# declare and initialize variables
my $overhang= 'C[AT]GC';
my $end1_trim_offset= length($barcode)+4;
my $end2_trim_offset= 4;
my %to_keep=(); # an empty hash
my @line=(); # an empty array
# open the qseq file, or exit
open (QSEQ_1_FILE, $qseq_file) or die "couldn't open $qseq_file for read\n";
# also, open (for output) the end1 temp file, so we can write to it while
# we process the end1 input file above
(open END_1_FILEOUT,">$end1_temp") or die "couldn't open $end1_temp for write\n";
# reads each line of the qseq data file one at a time.
# assume each sample is kept on a separate line
chomp; @line=split; # index and formats the qseq fields for parsing
# skip samples those that didn't pass QC
$line[10]>0 or next;
# process the samples here. look at only the samples that pass the quality
# control and whose sequences contain the barcode+overhang at the beginning
# of the string, otherwise skip to the next sample in the data file
# (i.e start the next iteration of the loop)
# trim the barcode+overhang from seq and qual
$line[8]= substr($line[8], $end1_trim_offset); #sequence
$line[9]= substr($line[9], $end1_trim_offset); #quality
# unique sequence identifier. don't worry about what $line[1-6] represent
# just know that $identifier is unique for each of the 'good' samples
my $identifier = $line[0].'-'.$line[1].'-'.$line[2].'_'.$line[3].'-'.$line[4].'-'.$line[5].'_#'.$line[6];
# store the identifiers of the 'good' samples in a hash.
# the hash should contain the identifier as the key and numbers (1,2,3,etc.)
# as the values. the following increments the hash values for each identifier.
# the following below is suppose to write information to the filehandle in fastq format:
# @[the identifier]/1
# sequence [ATGCAGTAAT...]
# +[the identifier]/1
# quality [ASCII characters]
print END_1_FILEOUT '@' . "$identifier/1\n$line[8]\n" . '+' . identifier/1\n$line[9]\n";
print "Found " . int(keys %to_keep) . " reads from end1\n";
# close the filehandles
close QSEQ_FILE; close END_1_FILEOUT;
此时,我有一个仅包含“好”序列标识符的哈希,并将 fastq 数据写入存储位置。Script01 假设将 fastq 输出保存到磁盘上的临时文件中。
$end1_temp = '~/tmp/sampleD1_end1.fq'
和end2_temp = '~/tmp/sampleD1_end2.fq'
问题:print END_1_FILE
上面的行是将 fastq 数据写入文件句柄还是写入 $end1_temp 变量?我问是因为我需要将 $end1_temp 和 $end2_temp 变量传递给 script02。另外,为了调试,我如何查看 script01 的 fastq 输出?
# if the sequence is paired (has both end1 and end2 data), then the qseq_2 file exists and the conditions evaluates to true
if ($end2_temp) {
# changes the qseq filename from file name from end1 to end2 data
# don't worry about why it works
$qseq_file=~ s/'_1_'/'_2_'/;
open (QSEQ_2_FILE, $qseq_file) or die "could not open $qseq_file for read\n";
# open (for output) the end2 temp file, so we can write to it while we process
# the end2 input file above
open (END_2_FILEOUT, ">$end2_temp") or die "could not open $end2_temp for write\n";
# reads each line of the end2 file one at a time
# skip comments
/^\#/ and next;
chomp; #keep the qseq fields on one line.
my @line= split; #indexes the qseq fields.
# unique sequence identifier that preserves the sequencing information
# in other words, samples from end1 and end2 will have the same unique
# identifier because they contain the exact same fields in columns 0-6
# or $line[0-6]. also end1 and end2 have the same number of samples
my $identifier = $line[0] .'-'.$line[1].'-'.$line[2].'_'.$line[3].'-'.$line[4].'-'.$line[5].'_#'.$line[6];
# recall the %to_keep hash which stored the identifiers of the 'good' samples;
# it was inside the QSEQ_1_FILE loop
# here I only want the end2 samples whose identifiers match the identifiers
# from the end1 samples
# skip sample where end1 didn't pass; does this work??
# the condition is suppose to evaluate to false if the identifiers don't match
$to_keep{$identifier} or next;
# trim the barcode+overhang from seq and qual
$line[8]=substr($line[8], $end2_trim_offset); # sequence
$line[9]=substr($line[9], $end2_trim_offset); # quality
print END_2_FILEOUT '@' . "$identifier/2\n$line[8]\n" . '+' . "$identifier/2\n$line[9]\n";
close QSEQ_2_FILE; close END_2_FILEOUT;
脚本01到此结束。此时,我应该已经将 end1 和 end2 的“好”样本的 fastq 数据写入单独的存储位置。Script01 假设将 fastq 输出保存到磁盘上的两个临时文件中。我想我的问题是出于调试目的,如何查看 script01 创建的 tmp 文件?
最后,当我script01.pl [input parameters] > tmp.txt
在 Linux 终端中输入命令时,它会将 script01 的输出保存到 tmp.txt。“Found X reads from end1”是脚本在处理 end1 读取后打印的内容,其中 X 是 %to_keep 哈希中的读取次数。
当我查看 tmp.txt 时,它显示Found 0 reads from end1.
因为它打印 0,这意味着哈希中没有存储任何内容。假设从 end1 存储大约 630 万条读数。有人可以帮我弄清楚为什么没有读取存储在哈希中吗?