我无法在一页上运行多个幻灯片。我正在尝试使用我给出的代码(我知道它已经过时了)。我的第一个问题是使用多个同名函数,我通过将函数嵌入到其他函数中来区分它们(例如:show1() show2())来解决这个问题。这是我到目前为止所拥有的,我不确定现在是什么问题,因为它可能是多方面的,而且我缺乏 javascript 知识。任何帮助都会非常感谢您!
<!-- The following script is for the rotating images for the banner ad in right column -->
<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -
if (document.images) {
ads = new Array(5);
ads[0] = "./images/okuma.jpg";
ads[1] = "./images/schlumberger.gif";
ads[2] = "./images/uesystems_logo.jpg";
ads[3] = "./images/brady.jpg";
ads[4] = "./images/ats.png";
newplace = new Array(5);
newplace[0] = "http://www.okuma.com/home.html"
newplace[1] = "http://www.slb.com/"
newplace[2] = "http://www.uesystems.com/"
newplace[3] = "http://www.bradyid.com/bradyid/cms/contentView.do/6974/Visual- Workplace.html"
newplace[4] = "http://www.advancedtech.com/"
var timer = null
var counter = 0
function banner() {
timer=setTimeout("ban()", 6000);
if (counter >= 5)
counter = 0;
document.bannerad1.src = ads[counter];
function show1(){
function gothere() {
counter2 = counter;
// - End of JavaScript - -->
<!-- The following script is for the rotating images for the banner ad in right column(2) -->
<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -
if (document.images) {
ads = new Array(4);
ads[0] = "./marcon/images/arms_reliability_logo.jpg";
ads[1] = "./marcon/images/brunson_logo.jpg";
ads[2] = "./marcon/images/ctc_logo.jpg";
ads[3] = "./marcon/images/descase_logo.jpg";
newplace = new Array(4);
newplace[0] = "http://www.globalreliability.com/home"
newplace[1] = "http://www.brunson.us"
newplace[2] = "http://www.ctconline.com/_home.aspx"
newplace[3] = "http://www.des-case.com"
var timer = null
var counter = 0
function banner() {
timer=setTimeout("banner()", 6000);
if (counter >= 4)
counter = 0;
document.bannerad2.src = ads[counter];
function show2(){
function gothere() {
counter2 = counter;
// - End of JavaScript - -->
<p align="center"><font size="2"><b>Companies Supporting<br />R&M Research:</b><br /> (click logo for company info)</font></p>
<p align="center"><a href="javascript:show1()"><IMG SRC="./images/schlumberger.gif" WIDTH="180" HIGHT="200" BORDER="0" NAME="bannerad1"></a>
<br />
<hr noshade="noshade" size="0" color="#4c617e" />
<br />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><b>Thank you to the following for<br />their MARCON '12 support</b><br />(click logo for company info)</font></p>
<p align="center"><a href="javascript:show2()"><IMG SRC="./marcon/images/arms_reliability_logo.jpg" WIDTH="180" HIGHT="200" BORDER="0" NAME="bannerad2"></a>