I'm trying to represent boolean expressions in sum of products form(SOP) in Python with only lists.
For example, I have boolean expression
I need to find a list equivalent of the expression above, so by reading the list or nested list and following certain rules to read the list, the program/programmer reading the list will be able to convert it back to the boolean expression.
One way I thought of doing this is constructing nested lists. Two rules to follow:
- elements in the same list are ANDed together
- lists are parallel to each other, therfore ORed together.
So for the example above, it will translate to:
But this set of rules conflicts itself in some cases. For example, given [[E,F],[D,C]], it can either mean EF+DC or EFDC, as [E,F] and [D,C] are in the same list so they should be anded, but lists are parallel so they should be ORed too.
I feel like I need to set some precedence between the 2 rules above, or add another rule to make it more clear.
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. Also it's not homework, just something for fun. Thanks in advance!!