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meta_id post_id meta_key meta_value
162227 264847 water_chemistry <strong>Temperature</strong>:
162228 264847 diet <em>Homaloptera</em>
162229 264847 behaviour <p>Not an aggressive fish although its particular requirements limit the choice of suitable tankmates.
162218 264847 maintenance <p>Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated so we suggest the use of an over-sized
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_id` = 162228,`post_id` = 264847,`meta_key` = 'diet',`meta_value` = '<em>Homaloptera</em> spp. are specialised grazers feeding on <a href="/glossary/b/biofilm" rel="/glossary/b/biofilm?hover=true">biofilm</a>, small crustaceans, insect <a href="/glossary/l/larvae" rel="/glossary/l/larvae?hover=true">larvae</a> and other invertebrates. In captivity some sinking dried foods may be accepted but regular meals of live or frozen <em><a href="/glossary/D/Daphnia" rel="/glossary/D/Daphnia?hover=true">Daphnia</a></em>, <em><a href="/glossary/A/Artemia" rel="/glossary/A/Artemia?hover=true">Artemia</a></em>, <a href="/glossary/b/bloodworm" rel="/glossary/b/bloodworm?hover=true">bloodworm</a>, etc. are essential for the maintenance of good health, and it''s highly preferable if the <a href="/glossary/t/tank" rel="/glossary/t/tank?hover=true">tank</a> contains rock and other solid surfaces with growths of <a href="/glossary/a/algae" rel="/glossary/a/algae?hover=true">algae</a> and other <a href="/glossary/a/aufwuchs" rel="/glossary/a/aufwuchs?hover=true">aufwuchs</a>.\r\n\r\nBalitorids are often seen on sale in an emaciated state which can be difficult to correct. A good dealer will have done something about this prior to sale but if you decide to take a chance with severely weakened specimens they''ll initially require a continual, easily-obtainable source of suitable foods in the absence of competitors if they''re to recover.' WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`meta_id` = 162228;
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_id` = 162227,`post_id` = 264847,`meta_key` = 'water_chemistry',`meta_value` = '<strong>Temperature</strong>: [temp]\r\n\r\n<strong>pH</strong>: [pH]\r\n\r\n<strong>Hardness</strong>: [hardness]' WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`meta_id` = 162227;
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_id` = 162229,`post_id` = 264847,`meta_key` = 'behaviour',`meta_value` = '<p>Not an aggressive fish although its particular requirements limit the choice of suitable tankmates. <a href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">Species</a> inhabiting similar environments include <em>Barilius</em>, <em>Discherodontus</em>, <em>Garra</em>, larger <em>Devario</em>, some <em>Rasbora</em>, gobies of the <a href="/glossary/g/genera" rel="/glossary/g/genera?hover=true">genera</a> <em>Rhinogobius</em>, <em>Sicyopterus</em> and <em>Stiphodon</em> plus <em>Glyptothorax</em>, <em>Akysis</em> and <em>Oreoglanis</em> spp. catfishes.\r\n\r\nMany loaches from the <a href="/glossary/f/family" rel="/glossary/f/family?hover=true">family</a> Nemacheilidae and most from Balitoridae are also suitable although harmless squabbles may occur with the latter group in particular. Research your choices before purchase to be sure.\r\n\r\nIt''s found living in aggregations in nature so buy six or more to see it at its best as when kept singly or in pairs/trios it''s less bold. The interaction between individuals is also interesting to watch and a group will typically arrange themselves close to one another facing directly into the water flow at certain times of day.</p>' WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`meta_id` = 162229;
UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_id` = 162218,`post_id` = 264847,`meta_key` = 'maintenance',`meta_value` = '<p>Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated so we suggest the use of an over-sized <a href="/glossary/f/filter" rel="/glossary/f/filter?hover=true">filter</a> as a minimum requirement. Turnover should ideally be 10-15 times per hour so additional powerheads, airstones, etc., should be employed to achieve the desired flow and <a href="/glossary/o/oxygenation" rel="/glossary/o/oxygenation?hover=true">oxygenation</a> if necessary.\r\n\r\n<a href="/glossary/b/base" rel="/glossary/b/base?hover=true">Base</a> <a href="/glossary/s/substrate" rel="/glossary/s/substrate?hover=true">substrate</a> can either be of <a href="/glossary/g/gravel" rel="/glossary/g/gravel?hover=true">gravel</a>, <a href="/glossary/s/sand" rel="/glossary/s/sand?hover=true">sand</a> or a mixture of both to which should be added a layer of water-worn rocks and pebbles of varying sizes. Driftwood roots and branches are also suitable and although rarely a feature of the natural <a href="/glossary/h/habitat" rel="/glossary/h/habitat?hover=true">habitat</a> <a href="/glossary/a/aquatic" rel="/glossary/a/aquatic?hover=true">aquatic</a> plants from adaptable genera such as <em>Microsorum</em>, <em>Crinum</em> and <em>Anubias</em> spp. can also be added. The latter are particularly useful as <em>Homaloptera</em> spp. appear to enjoy resting on their leaves.\r\n\r\nSince it needs stable water conditions and feeds on <a href="/glossary/b/biofilm" rel="/glossary/b/biofilm?hover=true">biofilm</a> this species should never be added to a biologically immature set-up, and a tightly-fitting cover is necessary since it can literally climb glass. While regular partial water changes are essential aufwuchs can be allowed to grow on all surfaces except perhaps the viewing pane.</p>' WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`meta_id` = 162218;
- 它没有。