I’m trying to add a string column to a SQLite 3 database in rails. Use the normal syntax "rails generate migration AddAuthorColumnToPublications author:string"
. I run the migration, it works without errors.
I change the attributes accessor in the Publications model to include the Author column. I check in the schema, the new column has been included in the schema.
I go to my database and the new column does not appear in the index of the Publications table. I’ve tried including it specifically in the index, but to no avail.
The only thing I can think of here is that because I am using Ubuntu, the syntax may be slightly different (as it has been for certain things).
I have looked in books and on the internet, and the syntax seems correct (can also use underscores as well as camel casing to name the migration), but I can’t find anything specific to Ubuntu on this particular issue. I would appreciate any and all help on this matter.