I've updated album-extend.php to display all images from the galleries and it works perfect for as long as the pagination is not involved. Once I use Custom Field (ngg_paged_Galleries) to add pagination, it does add the second page, but the galleries are missing/not displayed. So you only see the galleries/images on the first page and nothing beyond first page.

I know I'm missing something, but for the life of me I can't make it work. Would appreciate any input!

Thank you!

I think that's where the problem is:

    foreach ($galleries as $gallery){
        echo do_shortcode("[nggallery id=".$gallery->gid."]");

And here is album-extend.php:

Template Page for the album overview (extended)

Follow variables are useable :

    $album       : Contain information about the album
    $galleries   : Contain all galleries inside this album
    $pagination  : Contain the pagination content

 You can check the content when you insert the tag 
 If you would like to show the timestamp of the image ,you can use 

<?php if (!defined ('ABSPATH')) die ('No direct access allowed'); ?> <?php if (!empty ($album)) :?>

    foreach ($galleries as $gallery){
        echo do_shortcode("[nggallery id=".$gallery->gid."]");

    <?php echo $pagination >

<?php endif; >


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