我希望将用户的密码强制更改为 7 个字符,但我收到消息:密码长度应至少为 8 个字符。



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Perforce 中的一切都可以通过命令行来完成,但对于用户界面的爱好者来说,您可以启动P4Admin,然后使用AdministrationPassword Security Level。这将打开一个包含 4 个选项的对话框:

  • 3(需要基于票证的身份验证)
  • 2(需要强密码)
  • 1(需要密码)
  • 0(不需要密码)


此处Security Levels详细说明了规则。正如 Smeltdown 的评论中所解释的,1 级将有“遗留支持”

Legacy support: Strong passwords are required for users of post-2003.2 Perforce applications, but existing passwords are not reset.
Pre-2003.2 Perforce applications can set passwords with p4 passwd or in the p4 user form, but password strength is not enforced.
Users with passwords can use either their P4PASSWD setting or the p4 login command for ticket-based authentication. 

对于 2 级,支持没有那么灵活:

Legacy support: All unverified strength passwords must be changed.
Users of pre-2003.2 Perforce applications cannot set passwords. Users at release 2003.2 or higher must use p4 passwd and enter their passwords at the prompt. Setting passwords with the p4 user form or the p4 passwd -O oldpass -P newpass command is prohibited.
On Windows, passwords are no longer stored in (or read from) the registry. (Storing P4PASSWD as an environment variable is supported, but passwords set with p4 set P4PASSWD are ignored.)
Users who have set strong passwords with a 2003.2 or higher Perforce application can use either their P4PASSWD setting for password-based authentication, or the p4 login command for ticket-based authentication. 
于 2012-11-16T17:03:41.070 回答