mvn 发布:准备
它不断要求我解决快照依赖项。有没有办法在批处理模式下执行此操作,以便 Maven 自动使用关联的版本。即,如果依赖项是 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,它会自动将此依赖项更新到 1.0.0 版本吗?
[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
There are still some remaining snapshot dependencies.: Do you want to resolve them now? (yes/no) no: : yes
Dependency type to resolve,: specify the selection number ( 0:All 1:Project Dependencies 2:Plugins 3:Reports 4:Extensions ): (0/1/2/3) 1: : 1
Resolve Project Dependency Snapshots.: '' set to release? (yes/no) yes: : yes
What is the next development version? (0.0.2-SNAPSHOT) 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT: : 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT