I have some HTML tables inside of an HTML cell, like so:
miniTable='<table style="width: 100%%" bgcolor="%s">
<tr><td><font color="%s"><b>%s</b></td></tr>
</table>' % ( bgcolor, fontColor, floatNumber)
html += '<td>' + miniTable + '</td>'
Is there a way to remove the HTML tags that pertain to this minitable, and only these html tags?
I would like to somehow remove these tags:
<table style="width: 100%%" bgcolor="%s"><tr><td><font color="%s"><b>
to get this:
where floatNumber
is the string representation of a floating point number. I don't want any of the other HTML tags to be modified in any way. I was thinking of using string.replace or regex, but I'm stumped.