我在我的项目中使用 Zend Framework 和 Doctrine 2。一切正常,除了自动加载器不从 Doctrine 存储库加载 Zend 类。
这是 Zend 自动加载器的引导部分:
* Register namespace Default_
* @return Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader
protected function _initAutoload() {
$autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
'namespace' => 'Default_',
'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__),
return $autoloader;
这是我的 Doctrine 初始化引导部分:
* Initialize Doctrine
* @return Doctrine_Manager
public function _initDoctrine() {
// include and register Doctrine's class loader
$classLoader = new \Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/'
$classLoader = new \Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Model'
// create the Doctrine configuration
$config = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
// setting the cache ( to ArrayCache. Take a look at
// the Doctrine manual for different options ! )
$cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache;
// choosing the driver for our database schema
// we'll use annotations
$driver = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Model'
// set the proxy dir and set some options
$config->setProxyDir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Model/Proxies');
// now create the entity manager and use the connection
// settings we defined in our application.ini
$connectionSettings = $this->getOption('doctrine');
$conn = array(
'driver' => $connectionSettings['conn']['driv'],
'user' => $connectionSettings['conn']['user'],
'password' => $connectionSettings['conn']['pass'],
'dbname' => $connectionSettings['conn']['dbname'],
'host' => $connectionSettings['conn']['host']
$entityManager = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($conn, $config);
// push the entity manager into our registry for later use
$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
$registry->entitymanager = $entityManager;
return $entityManager;