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ASP.NET MVC Razor render without encoding

One of the proerties of my Product object is returning a string that has html in it. When I set the model to the view, the view reads it as text and not html. How do I let the view know to read the property as html?

<td colspan="2">
   <label >                             

3 回答 3


Razor encodes everything by default, you just have to use @Html.Raw see this question which is pretty much the same problem you have

<td colspan="2">
   <label >                             
于 2012-07-13T13:49:05.483 回答

Use Html.Raw helper method to ignore encoding

<label >                             
于 2012-07-13T13:50:53.930 回答

You need to use the HtmlString object. I prefer to handle this in my model by adding a property to the model:

public HtmlString LongDescription
        return new HtmlString(LongDescription);

The object HtmlString will leave the html formatting in place for display.

于 2012-07-13T13:51:00.203 回答