我有以下问题。在用户事件(点击 .twitterDefault)上,我调用 save 事件
twitter : {
handle : handle,
ignore : false
然后调用成功函数并在模型上设置字段(klout、twitter 和 tester)。所有字段都已设置(记录语句都打印出适当的对象。
但是,然后我调用 view.render() 并且这里不再设置 twitter。我不知道为什么,保存后没有同步发生,所以 twitter 不会被覆盖(此外,我确保在调用成功方法之前,twitter 也保存在服务器上)。
var ContactModel, ContactModelCollection, ContactView, ContactCollectionView, contacts, contactCollectionView; //base model ContactModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { }, initialize : function() { } }); ContactModelCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model : ContactModel, url : '/api/contacts', comparator : function(contact) { return contact.get('strength_of_relationship'); }, initialize : function() { } }); ContactView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName : 'li', //attempting to create a new element render: function() { var compiled_tmpl = _.template($('#contact-template').html()); var html = compiled_tmpl(this.model.toJSON()); console.log('model.get("twitter")=('+JSON.stringify(this.model.get('twitter)'))+')'); console.log('model.get("klout")=('+JSON.stringify(this.model.get('klout'))+')'); console.log('model.get("tester")=('+JSON.stringify(this.model.get('tester'))+')'); this.$el.html(html); console.log('rendered view successfully)'); return this; }, initialize: function() { console.log('contactView initalized'); this.model.bind('change', this.render, this); this.model.bind('destroy', this.remove, this); }, events: { 'click .twitterDefault' : 'assignDefaultTwitterHandle', }, assignDefaultTwitterHandle : function(event) { var handle = $(event.currentTarget).data('twitter'); this.assignTwitterHandle(handle); }, assignTwitterHandle : function(handle) { console.log('model assignTwitterHandle. handle='+handle+')'); var view = this, model = view.model; model.save({ twitter : { handle : handle, ignore : false }, id : model.get('id') }, { error : function() { console.log('saving twitter handle failed'); }, success : function(model, response) { console.log('response=('+JSON.stringify(response)+')'); if(response.error) { console.log('error on server ='+response.error); } if(response.twitter) { console.log('twitter is set'); var twitter = { handle : handle, tweet : response.twitter, age : new Date() }; console.log('setting twitter to '+JSON.stringify(twitter)); model.set('twitter', twitter); model.set('tester', 'tester'); console.log('twitter after setting it = '+JSON.stringify(model.get('twitter'))); console.log('view\'s model twitter after setting it = '+JSON.stringify(view.model.get('twitter'))); } if(response.klout) { console.log('klout is set'); var klout = { topics : response.klout } console.log('setting klout to '+JSON.stringify(klout)); model.set('klout', klout); } if(response.twitter || response.klout) { console.log('Rerendering view after setting klout/twitter'); view.render(); } } }); } }); contacts = new ContactModelCollection; ContactCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({ el : $('#suggestions-list'), initialize : function(){ contacts.bind('add', this.addOne, this); contacts.bind('reset', this.addAll, this); contacts.bind('all', this.render, this); }, render : function(){ console.log('contactcollectionview render'); }, addOne : function(contact) { console.log('addOne'); var view = new ContactView({model: contact}); var el = view.render().el; console.log('el=('+el+')'); $('#suggestions-list').append(el); }, addAll : function() { console.log('addAll'); contacts.each(this.addOne); } }); contactCollectionView = new ContactCollectionView; App.contacts = contacts; App.contactCollectionView = contactCollectionView; });