在中below code listings
,语句 1 和语句 2 线程是否安全?他们正在使用VolatileIntWrapper
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
VolatileIntWrapper volatileIntWrapper = new VolatileIntWrapper() ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= 5 ; ++i){
new ModifyWrapperIntValue(volatileIntWrapper).start() ;
class VolatileIntWrapper{
public volatile int value = 0 ;
class ModifyWrapperIntValue extends Thread{
private VolatileIntWrapper wrapper ;
private int counter = 0 ;
public ModifyWrapperIntValue(VolatileIntWrapper viw) {
this.wrapper = viw ;
public void run() {
//randomly increments or decrements VolatileIntWrapper primitive int value
//we can use below statement also, if value in VolatileIntWrapper is private
// wrapper.getValue() instead of wrapper.value
//but, as per my understanding, it will add more complexity to logic(might be requires additional synchronized statements),
//so, for simplicity, we declared it public
//Statement 1
while(wrapper.value > -1500 && wrapper.value < 1500){
++counter ;
int randomValue = (int) (Math.random() * 2) ;
//Statement 2
wrapper.value += (randomValue == 0) ? 1 : -1 ;
System.out.println("Executed " + counter + " times...");