public class Base // I cannot change this class
public string Something { get; private set; }
public string Otherthing { get; set; }
public static Base StaticPreSet
get { return new Base { Something = "Some", Otherthing = "Other"}; }
public static Base StaticPreSet2
get { return new Base { Something = "Some 2", Otherthing = "Other 2"}; }
public class SubClass : Base // I can change this class all I want.
public string MoreData { get; set; }
// How can I wrap the PreSets here so that they return SubClass objects?
// Something like this:
public static SubClass MyWrappedPreset
// Code here to call the base preset and then use it as the
// base of my SubClass instance.
使这变得复杂的是Something 属性。它有一个私人二传手。所以我不能在子类中设置它。可以设置它的唯一方法是通过预设属性。
有没有办法将 StaticPreSet 属性包装在我的子类中,以便它返回子类类型的对象?