我正在构建一个小应用程序来学习 Objective-C。我已经尝试阅读一些书籍,认为只是“跳入”将是我们学习的最佳方式。


当我创建一个包含表格的窗口时,给窗口一些数据,然后打开窗口,我有数据但没有 tableView(可能是因为在我打开窗口之前没有加载 NIB?)。当我打开窗口时,我的 numberOfRowsInTableView 函数似乎无法找到我的数据。

我已经包含了 .h 和 .m 文件的完整代码,希望你能看到问题所在..(可能真的很愚蠢)

//  MainWindow.h
//  Practice App

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "mvmUser.h"

@interface FriendStreamController : NSWindowController<NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource>

@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *myTableView;

@property (nonatomic, retain) mvmUser *user;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *activityData;

-(void)setUserObject:(mvmUser *)user;


//  MainWindow.m
//  Practice App

#import "FriendStreamController.h"

@interface FriendStreamController ()


@implementation FriendStreamController

@synthesize myTableView = _myTableView;
@synthesize user = _user;
@synthesize activityData = _activityData;

-(NSString *)windowNibName {
    return @"FriendStreamController";

- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window
    return self;

    NSWindow *selfWindow = self.window;
    [selfWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

- (void)windowDidLoad
    [super windowDidLoad];

    // Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.


    [self.myTableView reloadData];

-(void) setUserObject:(mvmUser *)user {
    self.user = user;
    _activityData = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:self.user.apiResponse copyItems:YES];
    NSLog(@"data 1st: %@, %@", _activityData, _myTableView);

-(NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView {
    NSLog(@"data 2nd: %@, %@", _activityData, _myTableView);
    int numRows = [_activityData count];
    return [_activityData count];

- (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row {
    NSLog(@"table view stuff");
    // group the model (activityData)
    NSDictionary *dictionary = [_activityData objectAtIndex:row];

    NSString *identifier = [tableColumn identifier];

    if([identifier isEqualToString:@"ActivityCell"]) {
        NSTableCellView *cellView = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:identifier owner:self];

        cellView.textField = [dictionary objectForKey:@"username"];
        return cellView;

    return nil;


我的 NSLOG 给了我:

2012-07-13 00:07:14.550 Practice App[13571:f03] data 1st: (
        "activity_id" = 3122267;
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        "created_on" = "2012-07-12 23:37:50";
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            title = "@robertpaul @Paulpridephoto @mattebox @eastbayjay Set this to on. Preset URL saved in image EXIF data.";
            url = "http://www.mobypicture.com/user/simon_harper/view/13271224";
        "name_first" = Simon;
        "name_last" = Harper;
        "user_id" = 454519;
        username = "simon_harper";
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        "activity_name" = "add_media";
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            title = "Iemand een idee hoe ik met dit bedrijf in contact kan komen? Formulier werkt niet, maar kan geen vragen stellen @nrc ";
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        "name_first" = Jos;
        "name_last" = Kok;
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        username = Josk;
        "activity_id" = 3118440;
        "activity_name" = "add_media";
        avatar = "http://a0.media.mobyhub.com/avatar/7e4bcc3f625b3d50ed49bd32eb65eafc_60px.jpg";
        "created_on" = "2012-07-12 17:55:26";
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            title = "Opel Ampera op de A9 vlakbij haarlem. Best mooie auto eigenlijk. Hoeveel rijd hij nu echt elektrisch op een volle accu?";
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        "name_first" = vincent;
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        "activity_id" = 3118321;
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        "created_on" = "2012-07-12 17:39:40";
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            "content_type" = photo;
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            "short_url" = "http://moby.to/3j1wie";
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            title = "Trots op @ChelseyWinkel die nu al haar P haalt :)";
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        "name_first" = Mike;
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        "user_id" = 28504056;
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        "created_on" = "2012-07-12 16:33:49";
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        "name_last" = Helsloot;
        target =         {
            avatar = "http://a0.media.mobyhub.com/avatar/e0f6b16e645594c96a6d8693969c787d_60px.jpg";
            "name_first" = Mick;
            "name_last" = Harren;
            "user_id" = 427052;
            username = mickharren;
        "user_id" = 213700;
        username = bhelsloot;
        "activity_id" = 3116839;
        "activity_name" = "add_media";
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        "created_on" = "2012-07-12 15:23:29";
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            thumbnail = "http://a3.img.mobypicture.com/7bf755f874955c24bfa06e247d0d11ea_square.jpg";
            title = "\U266c'Ice Ice Baby' - Vanilla Ice\U266a #nowplaying on #spotify http://open.spotify.com/track/3XVozq1aeqsJwpXrEZrDJ9";
            url = "http://www.mobypicture.com/user/Dryxe/view/13268001";
        "name_first" = Daan;
        "name_last" = "van der Plas";
        "user_id" = 28780688;
        username = Dryxe;
), (null)
2012-07-13 00:07:14.655 Practice App[13571:f03] data 2nd: (null), <NSTableView: 0x7f887b364930>



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