I am using a CMS. when I put HTML code it works, when I put simple PHP code like "hello World" or when I try to connect to a database it works. But when I put more complex PHP code like " phpinfo()" or any SQL statements like "$reponse = $bdd->query('SELECT * FROM insription_14juin');"
it doesn't work. The message that I get using fiddler is
403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /admin/modules/gestion_articles/updateContenu.php
on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
After multiple tests I think that a JavaScript file is trying to load information into a PHP file and apparently when the PHP code is complex the JavaScript file doesn't have permission to access the PHP file.
This is the JavaScript file:
$(function() {
$('#savemodif').click(function() {
$('#formModif').append('<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Enregistrement en cours..." id="loadingImg" />');
var contenu ="";
var type = $('#type').val();
if(type == '0')
contenu = $('#contenu').val();
contenu = encodeURIComponent(contenu);
contenu = $('#contenu').val();
contenu = encodeURIComponent(contenu);
/* Récupération d'infos nécessaires à la mise à jour */
var id = $('#idcontenu').val();
var oldtitre = $('#oldtitre').val();
/* Récupération des mises à jours */
var titre = $('#titre').val();
var date = $('#date').val();
var publie = 0; if($('#publie').is(':checked')) publie = 1;
var diapo = '0'; if($('#diapo').is(':checked')) diapo = '1';
var prive = 0; if($('#prive').is(':checked')) prive = 1;
url: 'modules/gestion_articles/updateContenu_test.php',
type: 'POST',
data: 'id='+encodeURIComponent(id)
+ '&oldtitre='+encodeURIComponent(oldtitre)
+ '&titre='+encodeURIComponent(titre)
+ '&date='+encodeURIComponent(date)
+ '&contenu='+contenu
+ '&publie='+encodeURIComponent(publie)
+ '&diapo='+encodeURIComponent(diapo)
+ '&prive='+encodeURIComponent(prive),
success: function(result) {
$('#loadingImg').fadeOut(1000, function() {
return false;
I already tried changing permissions in cpanel, it doesn't work. I renamed every htaccess file, it doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated.