为了尝试编写一个蛮力迷宫解决 C 程序,我首先编写了这个 java 程序来测试一个想法。我对 C 非常陌生,并打算在 Java 中正确完成后对其进行转换。因此,我试图远离数组列表、花哨的库等,以便更容易地转换为 C。该程序需要生成一个最短步长的单一宽度路径来解决迷宫问题。我认为我的问题可能在于分割通过每个递归传递的路径存储数组。谢谢你看这个。-乔
1 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 0 0 0 3
3 0 3 3 3
0 3 3 3 2
Same maze solved by this program:
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4
4 0 0 0 4
3 0 3 3 4
0 3 3 3 2
public class javamaze {
static storage[] best_path;
static int best_count;
static storage[] path;
//the maze - 1 = start; 2 = finish; 3 = open path
static int maze[][] = {{1, 3, 3, 3, 3},
{3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
{0, 0, 3, 3, 3},
{3, 3, 3, 3, 2}};
public static void main(String[] args) {
int count1;
int count2;
//declares variables used in the solve method
best_count = 0;
storage[] path = new storage[10000];
best_path = new storage[10000];
int path_count = 0;
System.out.println("Here is the maze:");
for(count1 = 0; count1 < 5; count1++) {
for(count2 = 0; count2 < 5; count2++) {
System.out.print(maze[count1][count2] + " ");
//solves the maze
solve(findStart()/5, findStart()%5, path, path_count);
//assigns an int 4 path to the maze to visually represent the shortest path
for(int count = 0; count <= best_path.length - 1; count++)
if (best_path[count] != null)
maze[best_path[count].getx()][best_path[count].gety()] = 4;
System.out.print("Here is the solved maze\n");
//prints the solved maze
for(count1 = 0; count1 < 5; count1++) {
for(count2 = 0; count2 < 5; count2++){
System.out.print(maze[count1][count2] + " ");
//finds maze start marked by int 1 - this works perfectly and isn't related to the problem
public static int findStart() {
int count1, count2;
for(count1 = 0; count1 < 5; count1++) {
for(count2 = 0; count2 < 5; count2++) {
if (maze[count1][count2] == 1)
return (count1 * 5 + count2);
return -1;
//saves path coordinate values into a new array
public static void save_storage(storage[] old_storage) {
int count;
for(count = 0; count < old_storage.length; count++) {
best_path[count] = old_storage[count];
//solves the maze
public static Boolean solve(int x, int y, storage[] path, int path_count) {
//checks to see if grid squares are valid (3 = open path; 0 = wall
if (x < 0 || x > 4) { //array grid is a 5 by 5
//System.out.println("found row end returning false");
return false;
if (y < 0 || y > 4) {
//System.out.println("Found col end returning false");
return false;
//when finding finish - records the number of moves in static int best_count
if (maze[x][y] == 2) {
if (best_count == 0 || best_count > path_count) {
System.out.println("Found end with this many moves: " + path_count);
best_count = path_count;
save_storage(path); //copies path counting array into a new static array
//returns false if it hits a wall
if (maze[x][y] == 0)
return false;
//checks with previously crossed paths to prevent an unnecessary repeat in steps
for(storage i: path)
if (i != null)
if (i.getx() == x && i.gety() == y)
return false;
//saves current recursive x, y (row, col) coordinates into a storage object which is then added to an array.
//this array is supposed to fragment per each recursion which doesn't seem to - this may be the issue
storage storespoints = new storage(x, y);
path[path_count] = storespoints;
//recurses up, down, right, left
if (solve((x-1), y, path, path_count++) == true || solve((x+1), y, path, path_count++) == true ||
solve(x, (y+1), path, path_count++) == true || solve(x, (y-1), path, path_count++) == true) {
return true;
return false;
//stores (x, y) aka row, col coordinate points
class storage {
private int x;
private int y;
public storage(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getx() {
return x;
public int gety() {
return y;
public String toString() {
return ("storage coordinate: " + x + ", " + y + "-------");