不幸的是,在我当前的项目中,我不能使用 boost,所以我试图模仿boost::lexical_cast
(减去大多数错误检查 boost 的行为)。我有以下功能,它们有效。
// Convert a string to a primitive, works
// (Shamelessly taken from another stack overflow post)
template <typename T>
T string_utility::lexical_cast(const string &in)
stringstream out(in);
T result;
if ((out >> result).fail() || !(out >> std::ws).eof())
throw std::bad_cast();
return result;
// Convert a primitive to a string
// Works, not quite the syntax I want
template <typename T>
string string_utility::lexical_cast(const T in)
stringstream out;
out << in;
string result;
if ((out >> result).fail())
throw std::bad_cast();
return result;
int i = lexical_cast<int>("123");
string foo = lexical_cast(123);
// What I want
// string foo = lexical_cast<string>(123);
编辑:感谢ecatmur ,我不得不切换模板参数,但以下正是我想要的。
template<typename Out, typename In> Out lexical_cast(In input)
stringstream ss;
ss << input;
Out r;
if ((ss >> r).fail() || !(ss >> std::ws).eof())
throw std::bad_cast();
return r;