
在 jQuery、mooTools、Prototype.js 和其他 JavaScript 框架中,使用美元符号作为元素选择器是很常见的。它选择 DOM 节点并将框架应用到它。


作为一名程序员,“$”对我来说毫无意义。在 jQuery 中,您可以将美元符号替换为:



mooTools 有$and $$,Prototype 也使用$. 有谁知道什么功能(如果有的话)取代了这些?


2 回答 2


If you want another name for the functionality, just assign one, like this

var myName = $;

Then the whole functionality becomes available by this new myName.

于 2012-07-12T13:57:32.023 回答

$ is a valid javascript variable.

Anything could be assigned to it!

For example:

$ = 42;

$ = jQuery;

$ is just the variable that many javascript libraries use to store their init function.

So, since now you know that $ can be a function (when it comes to many libraries) you can assign $ to any other variable as well:

var newVar = $;
于 2012-07-12T13:57:10.430 回答