public void writeToCard2(string sourceText, string cardType)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
int itemLength = sourceText.Split(',').Length;
sourceText = itemLength.ToString() + "," + sourceText + ",";
byte[] dataByteArray = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(sourceText);
//textBox2.Text = BitConverter.ToString(dataByteArray);
int dataByteLength = dataByteArray.Length;
int writeLength = dataByteLength + 11;
byte[] writeByteArray = new byte[writeLength];
writeByteArray[0] = 0x02;//STX
writeByteArray[1] = 0x00;//アドレス
writeByteArray[2] = 0x78;//コマンド
writeByteArray[3] = Convert.ToByte(dataByteLength + 4);//データ長
writeByteArray[4] = 0xa1;//詳細コマンド
writeByteArray[5] = 0x00;//書き込み開始ブロック番号
writeByteArray[6] = Convert.ToByte(dataByteLength);//書き込みバイト数
for (int i = 0; i < dataByteLength; i++)
writeByteArray[i + 7] = dataByteArray[i];//書き込みデータ
writeByteArray[dataByteLength + 7] = 0x40;//オプションフラグ
writeByteArray[dataByteLength + 8] = 0x03;//ETX
byte sum = 0x00;
for (int i = 0; i <= dataByteLength + 8; i++)
sum += writeByteArray[i];
writeByteArray[dataByteLength + 9] = sum;//SUM値
writeByteArray[dataByteLength + 10] = 0x0d;//CR
//string tempStr = BitConverter.ToString(writeByteArray);
//port.Write(writeByteArray, 0, writeByteArray.Length);
serialPort1.Write(writeByteArray, 0, writeByteArray.Length);
writeCardType = cardType;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
the above method writes data on an rfid tag in the line
serialPort1.Write(writeByteArray, 0, writeByteArray.Length);
writeByteArray is the size of the data which is exceeding the limit of the RFID tag, my boss said convert it to ascii
code and then write to RFID.
Will this help can this conversion reduce size of data?
Is there any other way round withoud using a different RFID tag?