I have a problem with the simplegrid class: in my project I have a class that extends Vertical Panel in which I put a simplegrid. The problem is that if I don't call the method initWidget I cannot see the simplegrid (it loads data, but doesn't display). I know that calling initWidget solves the problem because a few days ago my class extended Composite instead of Vertical Panel and everything worked fine.

Does anyone know why I have to call initWidget to make the simple grid to be displayed?


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Composite小部件必须知道它应该包装这些其他小部件中的哪一个,并通过方法告诉它initWidget(Widget widget)。你必须调用一次,并且只调用一次,否则你会得到一个错误。

于 2012-07-12T08:37:02.797 回答