I am choosing one of the following to test with: Telerik Free Testing Framework and Selenium

The web-project, is a site written in C # and JavaScript.

Can you please tell which of the testers to choose and why?
Highlighting the differences of the above tools for testing?


3 回答 3


完全披露:我是 Telerik 的测试工作室和测试框架的布道者,所以我在这里有一些偏见。

WebDriver 很棒。我仍然围绕它做很多研讨会和讨论。Telerik 的测试框架(免费,带有付费支持选项)在跨浏览器兼容性、隐式和显式等待以及其他一些领域都有很好的故事。这也是从 Test Studio 到完整商业版本的自然发展——但是,如果您不想这样做,您明确地不必使用付费工具。

任何一种工具都可以完成工作。测试自动化取得长期成功的更重要的方面是您如何开展工作。专注于很好地使用页面对象模式(无论您使用哪个框架),并学习如何处理围绕动态内容(例如 AJAX)的同步。搞定这两个概念,无论您使用的是 WebDriver 还是 Telerik 的测试框架,您都会更快乐。

于 2012-07-17T18:16:18.883 回答


我无法开始用语言来解释,从 Selenium 调用某些东西是多么烦人,它正在做一些我没有预料到的事情,或者我会传递一个值而它什么也没做。文档可能有点零散,那么接下来呢?查看源代码。

通过查看源代码,我了解了 Selenium 的工作原理。使用 Telerik,您显然无法做到这一点。


两者都写得很好,维护得很好,Telerik 有专门的支持,而使用 Selenium,你会被困在谷歌群组、谷歌和 Stackoverflow 上。

于 2012-07-13T22:49:43.577 回答

I think I would go with Selenium. I don't know Telerik but I do know that:

As of early 2012, Simon Stewart of Google (inventor of WebDriver) and David Burns of Mozilla are negotiating with the W3C to make WebDriver an internet standard. As such, Selenium-Webdriver (Selenium 2.0) aims to be the reference implementation of the WebDriver standard in various programming languages. Currently Selenium-WebDriver is fully implemented and supported in Python, Ruby, Java, and C#.

Of course nobody knows if it will become a standard but the fact that is under consideration gives me hope that what I learn using it will be useful in the future. Anyway, it's an aspect worth keeping an eye on.

Also, I could do what I needed by reading their documentation.

于 2012-07-12T08:51:47.260 回答