朋友们,我只是在玩一些指针程序,并意识到 GCC(也许还有 C 标准)区分了静态和动态数组。



#include <iostream>
#int main(void)
  int _static[10];
  int *_dynamic;

  _dynamic = new int [10];

  std::cout<<"_static="<<_static<<" &_static="<<&_static<<" &_static[0]="<<&_static[0]<<std::endl;
  std::cout<<"_dynamic="<<_dynamic<<" &_dynamic="<<&_dynamic<<" &_dynamic[0]="<<&_dynamic[0]<<std::endl;

  return 0;



那么,为什么 C 标准这么说_static并且&_static必须引用相同的位置。听起来很混乱。我觉得的一个原因是这&_static没有多大意义。但是,它的用法不应该被报告为错误吗?



3 回答 3



On the other hand, a dynamic array is in fact a pointer to a contiguous memory area. Only the pointer is stored on the stack. This is why &_dynamic (from the stack) and _dynamic (from the heap) differ.

Hope this image shows it all:

static vs dynamic arrays

Have also a look at this article about static and dynamic global arrays continued with the distinction between extern and non-extern.

于 2012-07-12T04:42:04.903 回答

Actually _static and &_static don't refer to the same location. The only reason they appear to is because you use _static in a context in which it decayed into a pointer. That is, by the way you used them, you made them refer to the same location. But they didn't before you did that -- one was an array and the other was a pointer. They couldn't be the same because they were fundamentally different things.

于 2012-07-12T04:42:38.263 回答

in simple words static is created in stack and dynamic is created in heap, in static array you have to tell the size before program runs but in dynamic you can take input from user and then make array of that size.

Example static:

int array[5];

Example dynamic:

int *array;
cout << "Enter size of array: ";
cin >> size;
array = new int[size];
于 2012-07-12T08:14:14.980 回答