
我不完全确定如何使用宏在 VBA 中编写它。

我有一个工作簿,Compare.xls。其中有两张纸,Sheet1 和 Sheet2。


表 1

Date    ID  Other   Sub     Chan
10000   100 Repeat  X       30  
10000   101 Repeat  X       40

表 2

ttc   event     Chan
XYZ   L         30
XYZ   L         40
XYZ   L         6

从这些数据中,我需要将 Sheet1 中的 Chan 列与 Sheet2 中的匹配记录 Chan 记录进行比较,并将两个工作表中的连接数据输出到新工作表上。


Date    ID  Other   Sub     Chan   ttc
10000   100 Repeat  X       30     xyz



2 回答 2



步骤 1:在 Sheet2 中,复制 C 列(又名“Chan”列)并将其放在工作表的开头。现在您的 Sheet2 数据应该看起来像

Chan    ttc    event
30      XYZ    L
40      XYZ    L
6       XYZ    L


Date    ID  Other   Sub     Chan    ttc
10000   100 Repeat  X       30   
10000   101 Repeat  X       40 




Explanation:  the Excel Vlookup function takes the following four arguments, which are
                  separated with a comma:
    1st argument is the cell (E2) containing the value in Sheet 1 to look for
    2nd argument contains the range of data to look into (which resides in Sheet2 and the
                 cell range A2 through C4 is where the data resides.
                 NOTE1:  the VLOOKUP function requires the 1st column of Sheet2 to be the column
                         to look into
                 NOTE2:  we don't need to include the 1st row containing the header
                 NOTE3:  the dollar signs represent absolute cell range so that when you copy it
                         down to other rows below them, they don't change (i.e., your data range
                         in Sheet2 is always the same
    3rd argument represents the column # in Sheet2 to return if there's a match.
                 NOTE:  column 1 starts with column A of Sheet2
    4th argument is left blank

第 4 步:将此公式复制到 F 列下面的所有其他行注意:后续行应具有公式

=VLOOKUP(G2,Sheet2!$A$2:$C$4,2,)  if you have 3 rows in Sheet1
=VLOOKUP(H2,Sheet2!$A$2:$C$4,2,)  if you have 4 rows in Sheet1


于 2012-07-29T04:05:51.247 回答

刚刚注意到您想使用 VBA - 不太清楚为什么可以使用内置公式轻松完成此操作?

因为你有点倒退使用 aVLLOKUP可能不是最好的选择尝试使用INDEXand MATCH...



于 2012-07-12T07:03:16.473 回答