为了获得一些学习经验,我正在尝试在 Python 3.2 的扩展中将 SDL(1.2.14)的一些部分包装在 Cython 中。
我在弄清楚如何将 C 结构直接包装到 Python 中时遇到问题,能够直接访问其属性,例如:
比如我想取struct SDL_Surface:
typedef struct SDL_Rect {
Uint32 flags
SDL_PixelFormat * format
int w, h
Uint16 pitch
void * pixels
SDL_Rect clip_rect
int refcount
} SDL_Rect;
import SDL
# initializing stuff
Screen = SDL.SetVideoMode( 320, 480, 32, SDL.DOUBLEBUF )
# accessing SDL_Surface.w and SDL_Surface.h
print( Screen.w, ' ', Screen.h )
现在,我已经像这样将 SDL_SetVideoMode 和 SDL_Surface 包装在一个名为 SDL.pyx 的文件中
cdef extern from 'SDL.h':
# Other stuff
struct SDL_Surface:
unsigned long flags
SDL_PixelFormat * format
int w, h
# like past declaration...
SDL_Surface * SDL_SetVideoMode(int, int, int, unsigned )
cdef class Surface(object):
# not sure how to implement
def SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, flags):
cdef SDL_Surface * screen = SDL_SetVideoMode
if not screen:
err = SDL_GetError()
raise Exception(err)
# Possible way to return?...
return Surface(screen)
我应该如何实施 SDL.Surface?