I am using XMLA4JS library.

The url of the xmla service is on another domain. I keep getting error message: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin ajax header

I have not modified any of their code and I am using their samples.

I entered url of the OLAP cube that is deployed on another server. I passed userid and password in the url as the query string but no luck...

Please suggest how I should be able to connect to it?



1 回答 1


这是执行 ajax 跨域请求时的标准问题。xmla4js wiki 有一个解释它的页面,并提供了一个解决方案:http ://code.google.com/p/xmla4js/wiki/SettingUpAnApacheProxy

另一种可能有效的方法是在服务器端启用 CORS 标头。请参阅http://enable-cors.org/

于 2012-07-24T11:43:57.760 回答