I have a PHP while
loop that generates a table containing input
tags. Each input box is given a unique name by appending the input box name and the loop value.
<?PHP echo $i; ?>
<input type=text NAME="position<?PHP echo $i; ?>" id="position<?PHP echo $i; ?>" style="border: 1px solid #2608c3;color:red; width=200px" value="<? echo mysql_result($resultpositionjob,$r,0);?>">
<input type=text NAME="job<?PHP echo $i; ?>" id="job<?PHP echo $i; ?>" style="border: 1px solid #2608c3;color:red; width=200px" value="<? echo mysql_result($resultpositionjob,$r,1);?>">
<SELECT NAME="person<?PHP echo $i; ?>" id="person<?PHP echo $i; ?>" style="border: 1px solid #2608c3;color:red; width=200px" onchange="get(<? echo $i; ?>);">
<div id="training<?PHP echo $i; ?>"><font color=grey size=2>Training details will be shown here</div>
I am trying to modify my javascript / jquery script to use each of the generated input box names.
For example the input box position will be named position1, position2, position3 etc. I call the script using onchange="get(row)" where row is the loop instance. so for position1 the onchange will be onchange"get(1)"
This is passed to my javascript / jquery script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function get(row){
$.post ('getpeopleinjobs.php',{
postvarposition: form.[position+row].value,
postvarjob: form.job+row.value,
postvarperson: form.person+row.value,
postrow: row},
As you can see, I want to set the variable postvarposition to the id
of the inputbox (position) + the row number. I want to concatenate the two together inside the form.position.value
statement. So get(1) will then produce:
postvarposition: form.position1.value
My thinking is along these lines, but is not working:
postvarposition: form.[position+row].value,
How can I concatenate the name of the inputbox against the row?
Thanks as always for the help.
This code below works for the first row where I manually append '1' to the input tag name.
<script type="text/javascript">
function get(row){
$.post ('getpeopleinjobs.php',{
postvarposition: form.position1.value,
postvarjob: form.job1.value,
postvarperson: form.person1.value,
postrow: row},
I have then tried to change it as advised by machineghost but this still doesnt work. I have confirmed that the value of variable row is 1 with the alert message.
<script type="text/javascript">
function get(row){
$.post ('getpeopleinjobs.php',{
postvarposition: form[position+row].value,
postvarjob: form[job+row].value,
postvarperson: form[person+row].value,
postrow: row},
Google Chrome (F12) ouputs error Uncaught ReferenceError: position is not defined
any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Many Thanks