I have a long set of divs where I'd like to change all of their background colors to a random color when someone clicks the "home" button with a cascading delay (which I'll add later). I've been testing this in jfiddle and I can't seem to get it to work.
For example, with a while loop of 1-10 on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PWvaw/17/
Am I having a var scope issue or is there an issue with placing a string/variable combo in a getElementByID method? It seems to show, when I place head tags in the HTML section of jfiddle, the code turns red right after the "getElementById("
switch (randomNumberOne) {
case 1:
Any help would be appreciated. I did a search here already and found nothing conclusive, however, I apologize if I missed an answer. Thanks!