I am currently building a mobile app that will use an existing vBulletin install as a login system. I've run into an issue where if a user is already signed on somewhere else, they cannot sign back on using the application. On the vBulletin site, if this happens, you are presented with a "Force Logout" button that will end all existing login sessions and allow you to login again.

Is there a way to implement such a feature use just the API? I cannot query the database, unfortunately, and my only means of accessing the vBulletin system is through api.php methods. The vBulletin API documentation is woefully incomplete, so I am hoping someone else would have an answer for this.

If it helps at all, I am using Flex and AS3 to build the application and have successful login and logout, but the logout only works if you pass an appropriate sessionHash to the API.


1 回答 1


这是我们特定的 vBulletin 配置的问题。我们必须编写一个自定义脚本,允许我们访问 forcelogout.php 页面/脚本并强制注销。

于 2012-07-16T18:51:35.153 回答