当您只想在某些时候调用带有 byref 参数的函数时,您会做什么(在最近的 PHP 中)?
function blah_byval ($arg) { /* some code */ }
function blah_byref (&$arg) { /* same code */ }
function captcha_image($string = "", $create = true, $session = "") {
# outputs a transparent gif image 16 pixels high by 60 pixels wide containing
# a string of six lowercase letters, either specified by $string or generated
# randomly. returns this string, or false in the event of an error.
# once a captcha image is created, the string it contains should be saved so
# that it can be compared later with user input. to skip saving, set $create
# to false.
# if called from a web server, content-type is set.
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]{6}$/", $string)) $string = string_random(6);
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") header("Content-Type: image/gif");
if ($ihandle = @imagecreatetruecolor(60, 16)) {
$background = imagecolorallocate($ihandle, 255, 255, 255);
$foreground = imagecolorallocate($ihandle, 128, 128, 128);
imagecolortransparent($ihandle, $background);
imagefilledrectangle($ihandle, 0, 0, 60, 16, $background);
imagestring($ihandle, 5, 0, 0, $string, $foreground);
imagegif($ihandle, NULL);
if ($create) return captcha_create($string, $session);
return $string;
return false;
function captcha_compare($string, $session = "", $destroy = true) {
# returns true if $string is associated with a certain session, which is
# specified by $session or, if no such session exists, by session_identity().
# if $string is not associated with the session, returns false.
# once a string is matched to a session, it should be destroyed to prevent
# re-use. to allow re-use, $destroy may be set to false.
global $cfgimage;
if (!session_exists($session)) $session = session_identity();
$get_return = false;
if ($chandle = @fopen($cfgimage['captcha']['file'], "rb")) {
flock($chandle, LOCK_SH);
while (!feof($chandle)) {
$line = explode(" ", trim(fgets($chandle)), 3);
if (($line[2] === $string) && ($line[1] == $session) && ($line[0] > (time() - $cfgimage['captcha']['keepalive']))) {
$get_return = true;
if (($destroy) && ($get_return)) captcha_destroy($session);
return $get_return;
function captcha_create($string, $session = "") {
# associates a string of six lowercase letters with a session, either
# specified by $session or by session_identity(). fails if $string is not
# well-formed. returns true if successful, or false.
global $cfgimage;
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z]{6}$/", $string)) return false;
if (!session_exists($session)) $session = session_identity();
if ($thandle = @tmpfile()) {
if ($chandle = @fopen($cfgimage['captcha']['file'], "rb")) {
flock($chandle, LOCK_SH);
while (!feof($chandle)) {
$line = explode(" ", trim(fgets($chandle)), 3);
if (($line[1] != $session) && ($line[0] > (time() - $cfgimage['captcha']['keepalive']))) fputs($thandle, implode(" ", $line) . "\n");
fseek($thandle, 0);
if ($chandle = @fopen($cfgimage['captcha']['file'], "cb")) {
if (flock($chandle, LOCK_EX)) {
fputs($chandle, time() . " " . $session . " " . $string . "\n");
while (!feof($thandle)) fputs($chandle, fgets($thandle));
flock($thandle, LOCK_UN);
return true;
return false;
function captcha_destroy($session = "") {
# dis-associates any existing captcha string with a session, either specified
# by $session or by session_identity(). does not return any value.
global $cfgimage;
if (!session_exists($session)) $session = session_identity();
if ($thandle = @tmpfile()) {
if ($chandle = @fopen($cfgimage['captcha']['file'], "rb")) {
flock($chandle, LOCK_SH);
while (!feof($chandle)) {
$line = explode(" ", trim(fgets($chandle)), 3);
if (($line[1] != $session) && ($line[0] > (time() - $cfgimage['captcha']['keepalive']))) fputs($thandle, implode(" ", $line) . "\n");
fseek($thandle, 0);
if ($chandle = @fopen($cfgimage['captcha']['file'], "cb")) {
if (flock($chandle, LOCK_EX)) {
while (!feof($thandle)) fputs($chandle, fgets($thandle));
flock($thandle, LOCK_UN);
在 captcha_image() 中,return captcha_create($string, $session)
以前是captcha_create(&$string ...)